The Anschuuss
The Anschluss was Adolph Hitler's first strategy to reunite German's in Austria. He wanted to unify everyone under one empire. If he could accomplish this he thought it would help gain food supplies , defenses , and soldiers. The new German empire was called " The Reich ".
This peace of history tells me that Hitler believed in the unity , but specifically the unity of his people. -
The Munich Conference
The Munich Conference was called between the German-Speaking sudentenland region of Czechoslovakia to Germany. In the conference they discused the new goals of Hitler concerning them. Czech's did not agree with Hitler's goal so France and the Sovet Union protectected them and backed them up in case Hitler invaded. Hitler invaded and broke up Czechoslovakia.
This shows that Hitler did keep promises and he was determined to do what he wanted no matter how much people were against it. -
Danzig and Polish Corridor
After conquering Sudetenland , Hitler decided he wanted Danzig. He wanted to build a highway and railroad across Poland to connect Germany , Danzig and East Russia. Britain and France knew their appeasment failed.
This shows that Hitler basically wanted to take over everything , he was greedy. -
The Nazi Soviet Pact
Before the pact was made Hitler was planning on invading the Poland. The Soviet Union called a conference with Hitler to negotiate and deal and continue to have peace. The Pact was signed by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and Germany. The Pact keot the USSR out of the war if Germany went to war against Bitain and France in exchange for Polish lands. -
The War Begins
On September 1st , 1939 Germany invaded Poland. Two days after that Britain and France declared war on Germany.