
By aldanab
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    This was a battle between the British and the American Colonies. This was One of the first battles of the revolutionary war that later led to battles such as Yorktown. The Americans ended up winning the Battle against the British making them retreat back to Boston
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    This battle was started when the British were trying to keep protection of Seaports. Despite the Americans lost they gave the British many casualties and this also gave the Americans a Confidential boost on being able to win the war. The British had many casualties and it was costing them more and more money on soldiers so they had to take quick action against the Americans
  • Battle of Saratoga

    This Battle gave an extreme turning point in the War. The Americans were given the victory and gave the British a scare. The British were losing battles and battles giving the Americans more hope on winning the war. This specific Battle gave Americans hope on winning the war and Boosted their confidence