Word processor

Assignment 3

By shellyc
  • Apple computer

    Apple computer
    Used during computer time in library
  • Overhead projector

    Overhead projector
    Used to display things on a screen for the class to see. Used throughout the years
  • Grandma's Computer

    Grandma's Computer
    Used at home for printing things to take to school
  • In class Television and VCR

    In class Television and VCR
    Used all through school but first remember it in elementary.
  • word processor #1

    word processor #1
    Used to kind of like a typewriter/computer
  • Scientific calculator

    Scientific calculator
    Used for math classes
  • Slide projector

    Slide projector
    Used mainly in science class to show slides.
  • laser pointer

    laser pointer
    Teachers and students used them to point to things or cause disruptions in class.
  • word processor #2

    word processor #2
    Used to type out a paper and link to printer for printing.
  • Macbook

    Laptop used for internet search, typing, reading etc.
  • Ipad Pro

    Ipad Pro
    Used for internet and reading