• Period: 5 BCE to 5 BCE

    Ancient Greek Theater (5th Century BCE):

    The birth of drama can be traced back to Ancient Greece, with playwrights like Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides producing classical tragedies and comedies in amphitheatres like the Acropolis.
  • Period: 1500 to

    Renaissance Theater (15th-17th Centuries):

    The Renaissance brought a revival of interest in drama, with the works of William Shakespeare in England and Molière in France shaping the theatrical landscape.
  • Period: to

    Invention of Film (Late 19th Century):

    The Lumière Brothers pioneered the art of cinematography with the invention of the Cinématographe in 1895, showcasing short films to audiences.
  • The first movie

    The first movie
    1. In Leeds, England Louis Le Prince films Roundhay Garden Scene, believed to be the first motion picture recorded.
  • Period: to

    Silent Film Era (1890s-1920s)

    Silent films gained popularity, with iconic figures like Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton entertaining audiences globally.
  • Raja Harishchandra (1913)

    Raja Harishchandra (1913)
    In 1913, Dadasaheb Phalke released Raja Harishchandra (1913) in Bombay, the first film made in India.
  • Period: to

    Introduction of Sound (1920s-1930s):

    The transition to sound in films, known as the "talkies," revolutionized the industry with classics like "The Jazz Singer" (1927).
  • Period: to

    Golden Age of Hollywood (1930s-1950s):

    Hollywood became the centre of the film industry, producing classics such as "Gone with the Wind" (1939) and "Casablanca" (1942).
  • Period: to

    Post-WWII Cinema (1940s-1950s):

    Film noir emerged as a prominent genre, exploring dark and cynical themes. Internationally, directors like Akira Kurosawa in Japan and Federico Fellini in Italy made significant contributions.
  • Period: to

    New Hollywood Era (1960s-1970s):

    Filmmakers like Martin Scorsese, Francis Ford Coppola, and Steven Spielberg redefined American cinema, introducing more experimental and socially conscious films.
  • Period: to

    Rise of Independent Cinema (1980s-1990s):

    Independent filmmakers gained prominence, with works like Quentin Tarantino's "Pulp Fiction" (1994) challenging traditional storytelling.
  • Needed to be here

    Needed to be here
    Shah Rukh Khan's first movie was "Deewana," which was released in 1992.
  • The Lion King

    The Lion King
    The Lion King sits at the top, with a Broadway gross of $1.8 billion
  • Period: to

    Digital Revolution (2000s-2010s):

    Advancements in technology transformed filmmaking, making it more accessible. The rise of streaming services like Netflix changed how audiences consume content.
  • "Avatar" (2009)

    "Avatar" (2009)
    As of January 2024, "Avatar" (2009) was the most commercially successful movie of all time, grossing about 2.92 billion U.S. dollars at box offices across the globe.
  • Period: to

    International Cinema (2010s-Present):

    Globalization led to increased recognition of international films, with directors like Bong Joon-ho ("Parasite") and Alfonso Cuarón ("Roma") receiving acclaim.
  • Period: to

    Current Trends (2024): and the future

    Current Trends (2020s): The film industry continues to evolve, with a focus on diversity, inclusion, and exploring new storytelling formats, such as virtual reality experiences and interactive films.