Anne frank

Anne Frank Historical Project

  • USAAF raid & Peter

    USAAF raid & Peter
    On April 1st 1944, neutral Switzerland loses 50 civilians in an accidental USAAF raid over Schaffhausen. Meanwhile, in the Secret Annexe, Anne wrote about Peter in her diary. She explains how she doesn't understand why he never comes to her. She also talks about how she can't forget her dream about him.
  • General Charles de Gaulle & Writing

    General Charles de Gaulle & Writing
    On April 4th 1944, the General Charles de Gaulle takes command of all Free French forces. In her diary, Anne Frank wrote about school, Peter, when she cries her heart out and how she wants to become a journalist and write when she will be older.
  • Battle of Monte Cassino ends & Large-scale operations

    Battle of Monte Cassino ends & Large-scale operations
    The battle of Monte Cassino ends in Allied victory. Polish troops of the 2nd Polish Corps capture Monte Cassino. German troops in western Italy withdrawn to HitlerLine. Last japanese resistance in Admiralty Islands off New Guinea comes to an end. On that same day, Anne wrote about how everything went well in the Secret Annexe and that her Dad says that he expects large-scale operations to take place before the 20th of May. She also explains how she finds their liberation hard to imagine.
  • Ceaser C Line

    Ceaser C Line
    The allies at Anzio link up with allies from south Italy. Harold Alexander wishes to trap the German Tenth Army. The fifth american army commander, Mark W. Clark orders to turn north towards Rome. In Italy, the Germans form a new defensive position on the Ceaser C line.
  • Difference

    On May 26th 1944, Anne wrote about how she felt miserable and how there was a huge difference in the Secret Annexe, one day, they laugh and they are happy and the next day, they're afraid.
  • 10 000 japanese & Unbearable heat

    10 000 japanese & Unbearable heat
    On May 31st 1944, US subs sink 11 ships in a Japanese convoy to Saipan India against orders. This caused the death of 10 000 Japanese on May 31st.The Japanese retreat from Imphal, India, with heavy losses. So their invasion in India is over. On that same day, Anne Frank wrote in her diary about how it had been really hot for the last 4 days, and it was impossible to write a journal entry because of the heat.