angie and kiara's connections

  • the steamboat clermont

    the steamboat clermont
    in 1801 ,Robert Fulton partnered with Robert Livingston to build the Clermont. Livingston received a monopoly on the steam navigation on the rivers of new York state for twenty years. before his steamboat Clermont first ascended the Hudson river in 1807. on the steamboat Clermont was commercial water transportation. In this day and age we use car, drones, planes to transport good.
  • the lehigh canal

    the lehigh canal
    the canal was used to transport a variety of products .its significant cargoes were anthracite coal and iron pigs .the lehigh canal was used to transport goods from town to town . before the canal was made people would use carts with a horse attached to it to take one place to another. the lehigh canal is no longer being used because today we use drone , trains,and airplanes to transport products
  • telegraph and morse code

    telegraph and morse code
    to transmit messages across telegraph wires in 1830's morse & vail created what came to be known as morse code
  • the Transcontinental railroad

    the Transcontinental railroad
    in 1804 the First steam locomotive railway known as Penydarren was built by Richard Trevithick.In 1869, the presidents of the Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroads meet in Promontory, Utah, and drove the last pieces together that connects their railroads. This made transcontinental railroad travel possible for the first time in U.S. history. now trains are no longer are being used it was replaces with car , trucks , and subway
  • the Iphone

    the Iphone
    1876 the year the first telephone was invented, by Antonio meucci .Charles Bourseul devised the phone in 1854. throughout time the phone has been getting advanced & smarter. now we can even fit the phone into our pockets. before the iphone of the phone in general , people used to communicate with each others by letters or by talking to each other face to face .now we use the iphone to use apps to show picture or talk to others around the world .
  • television

    the first electronic television was invented in was created by philo taylor. A television set or television receiver, more commonly called a television,TV, TV set, or telly, is a device that combines a tuner, display, and loudspeakers, for the purpose of viewing and hearing television shows broadcast through satellites or cables,or viewing and hearing a computer.before the television, people would hear about things that are going around the world by reading the news paper.
  • the world wide web

    the world wide web
    the world wide web was created in 1989. it was invented by tim berners- lee.The web was originally conceived and developed to meet the demand for automatic information-sharing between scientists in universities and institutes around the world.commonly known as the Web, is an information system where documents and other web resources are identified by Uniform Resource Locators
  • amazon

    amazon is an american mutinational technology company based in seattle , washington that focuses on ecommerce , cloud computing etc. it was found in july ,5 1994. before amazon people had to go to stores and buy what they wanted themselves instead of getting someone pick it out for them and then get it shipped to them.
  • my space

    my space
    The first mechanical computer, created in 1975 by Charles Babbage .My space goes all the way back to 2003 from 2008.
    my space was a social network like Facebook, Sanpchat, instagram, etc. My space was the largest social network from 2005 till 2008. before myspace ,family or friends would talk face to face or they would talk to each other over the phone if they were far away , just to keep in contact with their loved ones .