Battle of Lexington and Concord
The battle of Lexington and Concord occurred on April, 1775. The British were trying to get all of the gunpowder that the colonists were hiding in the concord. The British lost 74 British soldiers and 200 were wounded or missing. The British gave three cheers for winning. -
The battle of Bunker Hill
The night of June 16, 1775, Israel Putnam leads a few hundred men up Breeds hill. When William Howe a British general heard about the men on top of Breeds Hill he immediately ordered British troops to immediately attack. Fighting for liberty the colonist used all of their gunpowder and retreated the British had only 1000 men left. -
Battle of Princeton
A week later after Trenton the Americans captured another 300 British troops in New Jersey. Howe said that would take more than capturing Ney York City and issuing pardons the win the fight against Britain -
The Declaration of Independence
Tomas Jefferson, a delegate to the Second Continental Congress, was selected to write the Declaration of independence. On July 4, 1776 the delegates approved of the Declaration of Independence, the government was established and the peoples of Americas, had all of their rights. -
Battle of New York
On August 27, 1776 the British meets in Brooklyn New York which would end up being a decisive battle. George Washington the commander of the battle of New York fought hard was about to surrender. Then Thomas Mifflin showed how strong our troops were and we weren’t willing to retreat eventually the British retreated and we lose anything. -
Battle of Trenton
On December 25, 1776 Washington army crossed the Delaware River with his troops he said “Victory or Death”. Once Washington arrived at Trenton the British mercenaries surrender in surprise. They have gained all of their liberty from the lost the colonist had just a few days ago. Washington took 876 prisoners and didn’t lose a single man. -
Battle of Saratoga
bmshistory7p8.wikispaces.comOn October17, 1777 Burgoyne accepted defeat which was the turning point of the war. The Americans showed the British that they could stand up to a British army and win. After Saratoga the French sent money, weapons, troops and war ships to enforce their military power. -
Battle of Monmouth
Washington was the commander of the battle of Monmouth. On June 28, 1778 they drove the retreating British out. Although the Americans one, the British slipped away during the night and the sailed safely to New York. -
Battle of Yorktown
On October 6, 1781 George Washington and the French helped surround the British in defense. The British were surrounded, Cornwallis didn’t want to surrender when he looked back at his troops, the troops laid down their guns and the French and the Americans had beaten the British. They had gained more land and independence. -
The Treaty of Paris
Early in 1883 representatives of the United States and Great Britain signed a peace treaty in Paris. The treaty recognized the United States of America as one independent nation.