American Revolution project

  • The Intolerable Acts

    The Intolerable Acts
    The intolerable acts were an act of legislation and British response to the Boston Tea Party. The first continental congress was a colonial response to the intolerable acts. Forced the colonist to pay for the tea that they destroyed. The British also shut down Boston harbor until colonists paid for the damaged tea. This act made the colonist furious because they made their money trading in the Boston harbor.
  • The Second Continental Congress

    The Second Continental Congress
    After having the first continental they made a second meeting for the 13 colonies to meet about the support of taxes and financed the war with borrowed funds. They soon after the American Revolutionary War had begun.
  • The Olive Branch

    The Olive Branch
    This document was written by the people from the colonies to show loyalty to King George lll and possibly prevent war. The king did not accept the letter from the colonist and claimed that they were an “open rebellion.” The king soon hired German troops to help enforce taxes this made colonist feel like they were not British which only made more colonist hate him and it caused a growth in the number of people who were separating themselves from the king's loyalty.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    The colonial minute were gathered in Lexington to defend against the British after being warned by the midnight riders. The Colonial Army won the Battle by using guerilla warfare. The Colonist learned that they could use guerilla warfare to defeat the British. The British learned that they are going to have to start using different methods of warfare to protect themselves.
  • The first continental congress

    The first continental congress
    B. Franklin, J. Hancock, G. Washington, T. Jefferson, went to Philadelphia to have a meeting about a military defense plan. Complete boycott on British good. Sought rights to participate in a free govt. that protected their freedom. That the best way to get to the British govt. is to boycott their goods.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    In Massachusetts, the British General Thomas Gage leads the British Army in a battle against the Colonial Army. The British Army emerges victorious. The Continental army learned that if they fought close then they could be more accurate and more lethal if they had more ammunition then they could possibly beat the British. The British learned that they need to start being more aware.
  • Publication of Common Sense

    Publication of Common Sense
    Published by Thomas Paine in order to persuade the colonist to declare freedom from Great Britain. He argued that a tiny island should not have control over a large continent and he called King George lll a “royal brute.” This propaganda piece changed many colonist ideas about freedom and they began to take up arms against Britain.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Declaration of Independence was a statement going against the king and declaring their brought the colonist together but the patriots became rebels and subjects to the pentalty of trison.
  • Battle of Trenton

    In Trenton, New Jersey General Washington led 18000 troops across the Delaware River and, surprised and captured about 1000 Hessians. The colonist learned that surprise attacks were a really good method in taking down British troops. The British Army now has to protect the Hessians more than before.
  • Battle of Princeton

    In Trenton, New Jersey General Washington led 18000 troops to defeat a small British force led by General Cornwallis. The British learned that they need to move in bigger forces. The colonist learned that if they take on small British forces then the can slowly deplete the British forces.
  • The Battle of Princeton

    The Battle of Princeton
    In Princeton, New Jersey General George Washington leads congenital soldiers in the battle against British redcoats. The Continental Army emerges victorious. British forces learn that the Continental Army can defeat them! The continental soldiers began to feel confident and continued to enlist in the army, boosting America’s number of soldiers.
  • Battle Of Satratoga

    In Saratoga, the British General Burgoyne lead 7000 troops to cut off the Hudson River valley. The Colonial Army emerges victorious and was a turning point for the war. The British learned that the Colonist are no longer on there own. The Colonist learned that they are gonna need help to win the war.
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris ended the American revolutionary war. Both nations, the united states, and Great Britain signed this treaty. Britain officially recognized america as an independent nation and pushed Americans to treat Loyalists well. As part of the terms of the treaty, America was awarded a chunk of the Ohio River Valley.