American Revolution Battles

  • Lexington vs. Concord

    Lexington vs. Concord
    • Colonist hid behind trees and fired on soldeirs
    • Out of all of the soldiers 174 were wounded and 73 of them died
  • Fort Ticonderoga

    Fort Ticonderoga
    • Was rich in the military supplies
    • A captin in Connecticut militia raised a force of 400 to seize Fort Ticonderoga
  • Bunker Hill (Breed's)

    Bunker Hill (Breed's)
    • Militia commanded by Colonal William Presscott
    • Militia around Boston numbered about 20,000 strong
  • Long Island

    Long Island
    • The patriots fought hard on Long Island but could not overcome the larger and better equipped British army
  • Trenton

    • Washington escaped and marched to Princeton his army scattered the British force there
  • Saragota

    • General Burgoyne surrendered the British plan haf failed
  • Cowpens

    • Great Britain also found itself with another new enemy
    • Spaint declared war on Britain in 1779
  • Yorktown

    • Rochamberu and Washington , the two leaders, waited for the arrival of a second fleet of Frech ships