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American Revolution

  • 1700s

    The French and Indian War- During the 1700s, British-American settlers moved westward across the Appalachian mountains into French controlled lands fighting broke out over the control of North American lands. Battles in Canada, Louisiana and Ohio Valley.
  • 1764

    The Sugar Act- The first British tax imposed on the American colonies to support Britain’s mercantilist policy. Placed a tax on sugar and other imports from non-British colonies.
  • 1765

    The Stamp Act- King George III became more than popular in America every new tax levied. “No taxation without representation!” was a consistent battle cry for many American politicians.
  • 1774

    British Parliament passed a series of laws known as the Intolerable Acts, with the intent to suppress unrest in colonial Boston by closing the port and placing it under martial law.
  • 1776

    Declaration of Independence- July 4th, the 2nd Continental Congress adopts the Declaration of Independence. Drafted by Thomas Jefferson
  • 1781

    The Battle of Yorktown- The Americans and French trap General Cornwallis’s army at Yorktown, Virginia.
  • 1783

    The Treaty of Paris- Ended the American Revolution, Benjamin Franklin was chief negotiator.
  • 1787

    The Articles of Confederation- Developed by 2nd Continental Congress. Set up a central government with a 1 house legislature (each state had one vote).