American Revolution

  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    A claim made by the second American Continental Congress on July 4, 1776 that led to the direct independence of thirteen colonies that was from Great Britain. It was being wrote by a famous American Founding Father whose name was Thomas Jefferson.
  • Battle of Trenton and Princeton

    Battle of Trenton and Princeton
    The battle of Trenton and Princeton was one of the many battles after the Declaration of Independence. This was when General George Washington's army crossed the icy Delaware and won two battles of the American Revolution which allowed New Jersey to improved their morale and unity of their colonial army.
  • The Conway Cabal

    The Conway Cabal
    The Conway Cabal refers to a loosely organized attempt by a group of military officers and members of the Congress to remove General George Washington from command of the continental army and replace him with Major General Haratio Gates. The Cabal collapsed which allowed George Washington General's to send Congress letters for the support to not end his removal from command.
  • British Abandon Philadelphia

    British Abandon Philadelphia
    The British abandon Philadelphia in June,18th,1778 because they were in fear of the French Navy. The British sailed down the Delaware River to escape the French. Philadelphia did not like the act but at the end the British returned to the city from its temporary quarters.
  • The Culper Spy Ring

    The Culper Spy Ring
    The Culper Spy Ring was an american spy network operation during the American Revolution that provided George Washington with information on British troops movements. It was successful in New York for five years but during those years no spy was ever unmasked, which made George Washington very ignorant, however later in the years the Culper spy ring did capture many spies.
  • Spain Declares War on Great Britain

    Spain Declares War on Great Britain
    Spain declares war on Great Britain which allowed them to create an alliance with the Americans. The Americans had been in revolt against the British for several years which made them suffered many problems but they begun to gain control over themselves because of the brilliant leadership of George Washington.
  • Benedict Arnold

    Benedict Arnold
    Benedict Arnold was an early American hero of the American Revolution who later became one of the most infamous traitors in U.S history after he switched sides and fought for the British. In 1779 he entered into the secret negotiations with the British agreeing to turnover the U.S post at West Point in return for money. Since then his name become synonymous with the word 'traitor'. {Book: The Notorious Benedict Arnold. Author: Steve Sheinkin, First Edition}
  • Siege of Charlestown

    Siege of Charlestown
    The Siege of Charlestown was a success for the British during the War of the the American Revolution as they shifted their strategy to focus on the Southern Theater. After it began, the American suffer their worst defeat of the revolution allowing Major General Benjamin Lincoln to made an unconditional surrender to British Lieutenant General Sir Henry Clinton.
  • John Andre

    John Andre
    During the American Revolution, British Major John Andre was executed as a spy by the orders of George Washington. He was hanged because he was assisting Benedict Arnold's attempt to surrender the Fort at West Point, New York to the British.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    In 1781, General George Washington command a force of 17,000 French and Continental troops to begin a siege known as the the Battle of Yorktown against British General Lord Charles Cornwallis and a set of 9,000 British troops at Yorktown, Virginia. This was known to be one of the most important battle of the Revolutionary war.
  • Washington In Morristown

    Washington In Morristown
    George Washington sets up headquarter in Morristown, New Jersey in the winter for himself and his men so he could have a perfect advantage to keep an eye on the British Army which was headquartered in New York. Morristown's position allowed George Washington to protect the roads leading from New Jersey to New England and roads leading to Philadelphia.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    The battle of Saratoga consisted of two battles. The first battle was when General John Burgoyne achieved a small costly victory over the American forces, however on October 7th, he attacked the American forces again but this time he was defeated and was forced to retreat which allowed Burgoyne to surrender ten days later making them lose the battle.