American History

  • French and Indian war

    French and Indian war
    Who: The French, Indians, and the British.
    What: a war for territory by the Ohio River valley that was won by the British.
    When: 1754-1763
    Where: Northeastern U.S.A.
    Why: It showed that we wanted to expand and was willing to fight for it.
    How: It is important because the colonists gained territory from it.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    Who: The British and colonists.
    What: British Soldiers shot into a crowd of colonists while being harassed by the colonists.
    When: March 5, 1770
    Where: Boston, Massachusetts.
    Why: Was one of the reasons why the colonists wanted independence.
    How: Caused the colonists to rebel against the Stamp act and Townshend acts.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Who: Sons of Liberty led by Samuel Adams
    What: A protest against the tea act that resulted in tea being thrown into the water.
    When: December 16, 1773
    Where: Boston, Massachusetts
    Why: Inspired the colonists to rebel against the British even more.
    How: It showed Great Britain that the colonists did not like the taxes that they were imposing.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Who: Continental Congress.
    What: Colonists declaring independence from Great Britain.
    When: July 4th, 1776
    Where: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    Why: Marked the start of the U.S.
    How: It was the beginning of the U.S.A.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    Who: John Dickinson
    What: was the outline of the government
    When: March 1st, 1781
    Where: Baltimore, Maryland
    Why: It was the beginning of our government
    How: shows how the U.S. government started out.
  • First U.S. President

    First U.S. President
    Who: George Washington
    What: George Washington became the first president of the U.S.
    When: April 30, 1789
    Where: The White House
    Why: It was the start of the line of presidents that we had.
    How: He was the first president and could be used as an example for other presidents.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    Who: James Madison
    What: Ten amendments added onto the constitution that gave rights to the people.
    When: December 15, 1791
    Where: United states
    Why: It set the basic rights that all people have.
    How: It gave rights to the people that the government can not take away.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Who: Thomas Jefferson
    What: The territory west of the Mississippi River.
    When: April 30th, 1803
    Where: west of the Mississippi River.
    Why: It gave the U.S. more land.
    How: It doubled the size of the U.S. and let People expand west.
  • Lewis and Clark Return to St. Louis

    Lewis and Clark Return to St. Louis
    Who: Lewis and Clark
    What: Lewis and Clark returned after exploring the Louisiana territory.
    When: September 23, 1806
    Where: St. Louis
    Why: It was the first time people traveled all the way across America.
    How: It showed that the purchase of the area would be a good thing.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    Who: U.S. and Great Britain
    What: A war between the U.S. and Great Britain.
    When: June 18, 1812 – February 17, 1815
    Where: Eastern and Central America; Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
    Why: It was a war that was won by the U.S.
    How: War against Britain that the U.S. won.
  • The Burning of the White House

    The Burning of the White House
    Who: The British
    What: The British burned down the White House.
    When: August 24, 1814
    Where: The White House
    Why: The capital was burned down in the middle of the war.
    How: Even though the capital was burned down the people did not give up on the war.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    Who: Native Americans
    What: forced relocation of the Native Americans.
    When: 1831
    Where: Southeastern United States
    Why: It cause the death of many Native Americans
    How: It shows that the Native American were treated badly by the people of the U.S.
  • Mexican-American War

    Mexican-American War
    Who: Mexico and U.S.
    What: A war for western territory.
    When: April 25, 1846-February 2, 1848
    Where: Texas
    Why: It was a war that the U.S. won that gave them land.
    How: It helped the U.S. expand into what it looks like today.
  • The Gold Rush

    The Gold Rush
    Who: James W. Marshall, Californians
    What: A time period when people flooded California to get gold.
    When: January 24, 1848- 1855
    Where: California
    Why: It showed that people wanted to have a better life and was willing to travel across the country for it.
    How: It brought a major population boost to California.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    Who: The Confederates and The Union
    What: A war fought over if slavery should be allowed.
    When: Apr 12, 1861- Apr 9, 1865
    Where: North and South U.S.
    Why: It resulted into no slavery which impacted the day we live in very much.
    How: It marked the end of slavery.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Who: Abraham Lincoln
    What: Presidential proclamation that ordered all slaves to be set free.
    When: January 1, 1863.
    Where: National Archives
    Why: declared slaves as free which shaped the country we live in.
    How: declared slaves as free.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    Who: Abraham Lincoln
    What: honored those who died at Gettysburg.
    When: November 19, 1863
    Where: Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
    Why: It gave people hope
    How: It was a very influential speech that Lincoln gave.
  • Assassination of Lincoln

    Assassination of Lincoln
    Who: Abraham Lincoln and John Booth
    What: Lincoln was shot in a theatre by John Booth.
    When: April 15, 1865
    Where: Ford’s Theatre
    Why: It was the end a good presidency.
    How: It effected the people a lot as he was a good president.
  • The Great Chicago Fire

    The Great Chicago Fire
    Who: Chicago Citizens
    What: A two day fire that killed 300 people and left 100,000 people homeless
    When: October 8, 1871- October 10, 1871
    Where: Chicago, Illinois
    Why: It was a huge fire that left many people without homes.
    How: It caused a lot of people to be homeless.
  • Invention of the Telephone

    Invention of the Telephone
    Who: Alexander Gram Bell
    What: The invention of the telephone.
    When: 1876
    Where: Boston
    Why: Gave us the ability to communicate over long distances.
    How: Enabled the people to have better communication with others.