All About The Life Of Sydney

  • The day I was born

    The day I was born
    Today is the day that the eldest daughter Sydney was born. Mom and Dad were very happy that Sydney was born. She was born at Credit Valley Hopital in ontario, at the time of
  • My first birthday

    My first birthday
    Today was my first birthday, I was born a year ago. Since I was still a baby I don't remeber what happend that day but I bet my parents were happy that i grew up well and healthy.
  • My first christmas party

    My first christmas party
    My first christmas party was with my dad's companys friends. What I mean by that is my dads company hosted the christmas party. It was an awesome day.
  • My first sister was born

    My first sister was born
    Today was the day a younger sigbling was born. Her name is Maggie she was born at Credit Valley Hospital at the time. She was very chubby when born. I didn't feel happy when she was born.
  • My first apple picking experiance

    My first apple picking experiance
    My first apple picking experiance was when I was 2 years old, I don't remember much on this day, but I bet I had a good time.
  • My first day at school

    My first day at school
    I was years old when I went to kindergarten, I cried alot on that day because I was scared of the people inside and didn't want to leave my mom, but after I had no choice but to go in so I did and I enjoyed my first day there. I went to Churchill Meadows P.S.
  • My kindergarten graduation

    My kindergarten graduation
    On this day I graduated kindergaten and moved onto grade 1. I finally am done Jk and Sk, it was a really good experiance for me.
  • My third sister

    My third sister
    On this day I had another sister born, her name is Karen. She was born in Credit Valley Hospital at the time of .
  • My first trip out of Canada

    My first trip out of Canada
    It was 2 years ago that I had my first trip on a plane. I had fun on the plane because I was 2 million feet off of the ground and we still could see movies on the plane, it was amazing. The bad part about flying was the seating, food, luggage, and landing, but overall I enjoyed our flight.
  • Grade 5 graduation

    Grade 5 graduation
    Boohoo! I wasn't here this day I was in china I wish I could go back and graduate it succesfly, till this day I haven't had a proper graduation ceramony, not I have to wait until grade 8 for the graduation, but that doesn't matter because I still got my diploma sent to me when I was in grade 6.
  • My first moving day

    My first moving day
    It's hard to believe that I have been living in the same house for 12 years, and moved just a couple days ago. The move was very hard but it was also fun. The hard part of moving was unpacking all the boxes and puting the furniture in the right place.
  • Today

    This had been my story hope you enjoy it!