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First Russian Contact in Alaska
Danish explorer Vitus Bering makes first European landing in Alaska
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Unangan/Aleuts have contact with Europeans and Americans
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Pacific Eskimos have contact with Europeans and Americans
Steller’s sea cow became extinct
Captain James Cook reaches Cook Inlet
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Yupiit have contact with Europeans and Americans
Period: to
Tlingit and Haida have contact with Europeans and Americans
Russians began colonizing Koniag Alutiiq
Russian Orthodox priests arrived in Kodiak to minister to residents
Russian Alexander Baranov establishes post in Sitka Bay
Period: to
Athabascans have contact with Europeans and Americans
Sea otters hunted to near extinction
Russian missionary Ivan Veniaminov teaches skills to Natives, prepares Aleut dictionary
Anglo-Russian treaty establishing AK’s borders
American & French ships sail for Alaska in search of whales
First mission school for Eskimos at Nushagak
New Archangel Seminary opened by John Veniaminov
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Inupiat have contact with Europeans and Americans
Right whale population reaches near extinction
Alaska purchased from Russia by U.S.
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Sheldon Jackson establishes missionary schools
Girls’ School opened in Fort Wrangell
First salmon canneries built in Alaska at Klawock and Sitka
John Muir explores Glacier Bay
First major strike of gold at Gold Creek (Juneau)
Cruises bring tourists to Glacier Bay
The First Organic Act- civil government brought to Alaska (provide education for children of all races)
Sitka Industrial Training School established
Reindeer introduced to Alaska
Congress allows whites to obtain title to lands
Klondike gold strike
Homestead Act extended to Alaska
White Pass & Yukon Railroad built during Klondike Gold rush
Alaska introduced a liquor licensing system
Copper discovered in Alaska
Capital established in Juneau
Adjudication of Alaska-Canada border in southeast Alaska
Nelson Act- segregated schooling
Alaskan Indians and Eskimos granted homesteads
Tongass & Chugach National Forests established
Copper River and Northwestern Railway completed
Alaska Native Brotherhood founded to achieve citizenship for Natives
Alaska becomes U.S. territory with an elected legislature
Mr. Katmai erupts
Alaskan women can vote
City of Anchorage is born
Territorial Board of Education created
Mount McKinley (Denali) National Park established
Agricultural College and School of Mines in Fairbanks (now U of A) established
United States enters World War, salmon industry booms
Alaska introduced to aviation
Alaska Railroad from Seward to Fairbanks completed
All Native Americans were granted U.S. citizenship
Alaskan literacy law designed to limit Native voting
Court case resolves the right of Native children to attend public school.
Bureau of Education transferred to Bureau of Indian Affairs
Indian Reorganization Act (IRA)
Great Depression spurs colonization of farmers in Matanuska Valley
Alaska Reorganization Act- IRA extended to Alaska
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World War II
Japanese attack Dutch Harbor
Construction of Alaska Canada Military Highway (Alcan)
Two Tlingit Indians brought into office to serve in legislature
Equal rights bill passed- abolishing legal segregation in AK
Alcan Highway opened to public, binding Alaska to rest of the nation
Community colleges established
Constitution of Alaska written and approved
Alaska Statehood Act gives state right to select 108 million acres
Alaska becomes 49th state in America
Alaska Methodist University (APU) opened
Tundra Times established to represent Native views
Great Alaskan Earthquake
Alaska Federation of Natives formed to pursue land claims with federal government
Prudhoe Bay oil strike
Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act
Alaska puts restrictions on commercial salmon fishing
Congress adopted Magnuson Act
Alaska Permanent Fund Established
Molly Hootch case settled- government agrees to build schools for local education
Trans-Alaskan Pipeline completed
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act
Wrangell-St. Elias National Park created
Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound
Alaska Inter-Tribal Council established
Congressional legislation approved the Bureau of Indian Affairs listing of Alaska Native villages with corporations as tribes
U.S. government began managing fish and wildlife on federal lands
Alaska Native Heritage Center Opened in Anchorage
Alutiiq Museum opened in Kodiak
Millennium Agreement
Sarah Palin takes office as Alaska’s first woman governor
British Petroleum oil spill at Prudhoe Bay
50th Anniversary of Alaska Statehood
New leases for oil exploration to be granted in non-protected areas of Alaska