Aisha Garza Innovators & Inventions Timeline

  • Fountain Pen

    Fountain Pen
    The Fountain Pen was invented by Lewis E. Waterman in the year of 1884, in New York. The reason behind this invention, is because back then, people couldn't make a pen that keep the flow of the ink. It either came out all at once, creating a mess, or none came out at all. Waterman decided to create a fountain pen, that included a nib at the end of the pen, which allowed to control the flow. This invention led to big money and was a great way of carrying ink.
  • Josephine Cochrane

    Josephine Cochrane
    Josephine Cochrane is an american inventor. She began inventing in the year of 1889. Her invention was the automatic dishwasher. She decided to make the automatic dishwasher because she thought it would be easier to create something that can do the work of cleaning dishes for you. Others have attempted to create a machine such as this, but they had failed and took too much work. HEr invention made big bucks and had everyone wanting one, because it created less work for them.
  • Escalator

    The Escalator was invented by a man named Jesse. W. Reno, in the year of 1891 in New York City, New York. The reason behind this invention was because it created an easier transportation from going up a floor or down a floor. An escalator is a staircase that moves at a 25 degree angle. It can either go up or down. The escalator was first introduced as a novelty ride in 1896, but then was later known as a transportation. Escalators can be seen at stores and malls.
  • George Crum

    George Crum began creating/inventing a type of food or junk food, known as the potato chip in the year of 1863, in New York. He didn't create the potato chip incedently. He created it by a dining mishap. The potato chip grew wild, and created a lot of money.