Nicholas was born
- I was 9 lbs 6 oz and 23 inches long. I was a huge baby
- I was born at Naval Medical Center, San Diego CA
Nicholas !st Birthday
I was in san siego california for my frist birthday.
We had a birthday cake and some present with my dad and mom. -
Visiting New Jersey
I visited the farmer and my stepfathers family in new jersey. We had so much fun at the fram and I got to hold a baby bunny. -
Nicholas 6th Birthday
I had my 6th birthday in 29 palms california.
I had a birthday party and meet my best friend zacerk. -
My stepfather returned from sea
My mom and I were writing welcome home signs.
He was at sea for 7 months. -
I lost my 1st tooth with mommy
I was 5 when I lost my first tooth. I lost it at night so I happy that I didn't swollow my tooth. -
Nicholas's 8th birthday
We were in Jacksonville Florida .
I had tons of presents from my mothers and fathers family. -
Halloween day
On halloween day I had lots and lots of candy. I even had a ducky. I was dressed as a Ninja Vampire. -
Susie came to visit Florida
We went to a huge lighthouse in St Augistine FL.
There was a pot that the light house keeper carried up hundreds of stairs