Nov 1, 1460
during 1460 ponce de leon was born.
Nov 22, 1513
ponce de leon named florida "La Florida"
Sep 10, 1528
narvaez and his men used their t-shirts to build a ship
Jan 1, 1535
narvaez 's men died in a ship wreck.
Jul 15, 1539
the march inland began for hernando de soto
Nov 22, 1549
the king of spain commisioned mendez to fight pirates
Nov 22, 1549
the king of spain commisioned menendez to fight off pirates.
Nov 22, 1562
1562jean ribault was sent to claim Florida for France.
Ribault was wounded by the spanish and died painfuly.
sir frances drake was sent to attack the spanish settlement
sir drake spied on the St agustine,which he later on destroyed.
Drake died because of a tropical disease