My life span

By sboch
  • Period: to

    Prenatal-Birth: Biosocial, Cognitive, and Psychosocial

    My mother was 27 years old when she found out she was pregnant with me. She was a healthy, single parnet at the time. No apparent health problems noted. She talked, played music and also sang to me all the time. The stress level of my mother was okay. She worked full time and helped my grandma with my cousin. The everyday stressors were present, but there was nothing considered high stress. While my mom was pregnant, the majority of her friends were also having children, this made it easier.
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    First Two Years- Biosocial, Cognitive, and Psychosocial

    I had jaundice was I was an infant. I was normal in growth and development. I babbled alot, and started to crawl around six months. I began to walk at thirteen months. I was still babbling, no formed words until hearing was checked at age two, and found a hearing loss. Speech thearpy shortly began after. I had play dates with my cousins, and a few of my mom's friends children. My dad and mom worked opposite shifts so I was not in daycare.
  • Baptism

    I got baptized at Our Lady of Good Counsel. My godparnets are Uncle Mike and Aunt Barb.
  • Hearing Loss Found

    My mom was concerned why I was not saying formed words like a normal two year old. She took me to the doctors, and found out that I had hearing problems.
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    Play Years

    I was healthy and average for my age. I ate mostly what my mom made and not refusing to much of the food. I was a child that usually tried anything, and if I did not like it I would not eat it anymore. I was in preschool until I started kindergarden. My speech thearpy was improving daily. My developmental level was within normal limits.
  • Losted at airport

    I wondered off away from my mom at the airport.
  • Got losted

    I ended up getting losted at cobo hall during the home builder show. I was scared and could not find my parnets. Eventually they found me.
  • Broken Collarbone

    I was walking my lab dog named Liberty, and she saw something and started to chase it. I was afraid to let her go, so I held on to her. Trying to keep up with her she ran around a tree and I was not paying attention to where I was going, and hit the tree.
  • My sister was born

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    School Years- Biosocial, cognitive, and psychosocial

    Biosocially I was a bit chubby. I had hearing loss, and vision problems which were caught early and treated. I was doing well in school, and learning with the other students. I had one best friend that we did everything together until the start of middle school, and was in dance class.I had a parnet home at all times with my sister and I. I liked to play outside, ride my bike, and play house.
  • Wedding

    My aunt and uncle to be got married and I was the flower girl.
  • First Communion

    I made my first communion at St. Micheals.
  • Surgery

    I had my tonsils out. Home from school for a week.
  • Major Dance Competition

    I went to Walt Disney World to compete in a dance competition the Hilton.
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    Biosocial Development- I started puberty at 13. I was growing normally and my health was within normal limits for my age group. No real problems. I did try drugs, drinking, and sexual intercouse in this timeframe.
    Cognitive-My thinking at this time was intuitive thought because I was very experiemental and testing boundaries with my mom and school. I was doing well in school. Good student.
    Psychosocial-I was a catholic school girl, who had friends of both sexes. I was good student and content.
  • Became a godparnet

    I was a godmother to my youngest cousin Amber.
  • Parnets got a divorce

    My parnets divorce was final.
  • Confirmation

    I made my Confirmation.
  • Extended Road Trip

    My mom, sister, and I drove to Colorodo for a extended vacation.
  • Started working

    I got a job as a waitress.
  • Got My License

    I got my license.
  • First Car

    I got my first car. White ford pick up truck.
  • School Retreat

    Our senior retreat at St. John's in Plymouth, Michigan.
  • Wedding

    My mom gets married to Rick.
  • Period: to

    Emerging Adulthood

    Biosocial- My health and body were within normal limits. I had a steady boyfriend. I was okay size and could of losted a few pounds.
    Cognitive-I was thinking more about what could be the consequences of my actions, and not as quick to do things without thinking. I was not attending church services regularly. Started college but undecided at what I wanted to be.
    Psychosocial-I had a full time job as a nurses aide. I was very independent and did everything on my own.
  • High School Graudation

    I graduated from Mercy High School. All night senior party.
  • First Full Time Job

    I got my first full time job as a food service aide at a local hospital.
  • Got a new car

    I got a brand new car on my own.
  • Started College

    I took my first college class at a community college.
  • Change my job

    Went up to a floor in the hospital to work as a patient support associate.
  • Changed job title

    I became a patient care assoicate and knew that I wanted to go to school to become a nurse.
  • Death in Family

    My aunt who was my godmother died from congestive heart failure and blood stroke.
  • Changed departments

    I went down to work in pre-op and recovery as a patient care associate.
  • Got into an accident and got new car

    got into an accident and totaled my car. Then got a new one a few days later.
  • Got my own apartment

    Moved out on my own into an apartment.
  • Major foot surgery

    I had major foot surgery and was hospitalized for 4 days.
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    Biosocial-My health habits are more important to me right now. I'm watching my weight and what I'm eating and drinking.Hearing loss is on the border line of needing hearing aids.
    Cognitive-I feel that my intelligence has improved academically and I think twice as hard before doing something.
    Psychosocial-I have a few very close friends who meet my needs for respect and affection. My mom and I are very close. Right now I am a full time student and working. I have family and school stresses.
  • Death in Family

    My grandpa died from a heart attack.
  • Quit my job and left home

    I quit my job, and left home to start nursing school down in Saint Kitts.
  • Started Nursing School

    Started nursing school.
  • First day of clinicals

    First day of clinicals down on the island. I was in culture shock.
  • Brimstone Fortess

    I was on spring break and went to Brimstone Fortess with friends in St.Kitts. It was a historical site where the french and bristish fought.
  • Catamaron Trip

    Took my first catamaron trip down in St.Kitts and went snokerling for the first time.
  • Tranisiton Ceremony

    Tranisition Ceremony in St. Kitts at Spice Mill. This is when our class was tranisiton back to the states, and to go to the partner school.