
By melisup
  • My birth

    My birth
    I was born in "La Hermita" hospital in Cartagena - Colombia
  • My house

    My house
    I was born living in a neighborhood callled "Manga". When i was 1 year old i moved to "el campestre" and grew up there (11 years living there)
  • Student life

    Student life
    My student life started when i was 2 years old at "la concepción" school
  • Lost year

    Lost year
    I did 6th grade twice because i was very lazy and i still am =D
  • Switch school and home :S

    Switch school and home :S
    I studied in "la concepción" school until 7th grade. I started 8th grade at "Alter - Alteris" school where i finished my high school and also moved to my actual house
  • My graduation!

    My graduation!
    I finally finished high school
  • Clueless - Lazy

    Clueless - Lazy
    I finished hogh school and didn't know what to study and when i finally decided it was too late to register so i spend 6 month doing nothing ¬¬
  • College Baby!

    College Baby!
    I finally started my career "the beginning of my life" at "del norte" university and here i am =D