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North Carolina Secession from the USA
The North Carolina General Assembly (legislature) created and empowered a specially elected Convention to secede from the United States of America and joint the newly created Confederate States of America. -
NC Voters Reject Calling a Special Convention to Consider the State's "Federal Relations"
North Carolina voters rejected, by a narrow margin, calling a special convention to consider the state's "federal relations" within the Federal Union. The withdrawal of lower South states created increasing pressure on the state to either stay in the Union or join the Confederacy. -
North Carolina Secession Convention
One hundred and twenty representatives of the counties in North Carolina decided to:
1. withdraw from the Federal Union established by the United States Constitution (unanimously);
2. elect secessionist Weldon N. Edwards of Warren County, President of the Convention (Edwards - 65 to Graham - 48;
3. not submit the Ordinance of Secession to the legal voters of the state [72 No, 34 Yes & 10 present, not voting; and
4. ratify the constitution of the Confederate States of America (unanimously)