Dracula Timeline

  • Jan 1, 1430

    Vlad was born

    Vlad was born
    Vlad Dracula was born.
  • Jan 16, 1436

    The Throne

    The Throne
    Vlads father, Dracul, Obtains the southern district of Turkey.
  • Mar 12, 1446

    The Invasion

    The Invasion
    The Turkes take over Greece.
  • Jun 22, 1447

    Dracul Dies

    Dracul Dies
    Dracul was assignated for complications with Turks.
  • Feb 12, 1448

    Vlads brief reign.

    Vlads brief reign.
    Vlad obtains the southern district of Turkey,
  • Sep 25, 1456

    Second Reign - Aged 18

    At the age of 18 Vlad's terror shortly arrises, and kills Boyar.
  • Jul 21, 1459

    Killing Spree

    Vlad kills the Boyars, and burns the german's alive.
  • Sep 7, 1461

    Vlad Campaigns

    Vlad Dracula campains against the Turks along the river Danube, During the summer retreats to his capital of Tirgoviste
  • Jan 1, 1462

    Vlad The Impaler

    The reign of Vlad the impaler is part of the inspiration for the Dracula story
  • Feb 11, 1462

    The Monks arrive.

    The Monks arrive.
    Vlad meets with the two monks seeking help.
  • Dec 3, 1462

    Vlads Imprisonment

    Vlads Imprisonment
    Just before the battle at Dracula's castle his wife commits suicide by juming into the river. Dracula flees to Transylvania and get imprisoned in hungary for 13 years. Vlad's brother Radu the Handsome takes the throne as a puppet of the Turks.
  • Aug 12, 1466

    Vlads way out

    Vlad converts to Catholicism to take a Hungarian Noblewoman as a wife so he can get out of prison and to become a candidate to his throne.
  • Feb 3, 1482


    Russian historian writes a biography of Vlad Dracula. Partly taken from interviews with Dracula's son. Later inspired the film, Interview with a vampire.
  • Count

    Elizabeth Bathory was apointed Countess, thus the word 'Count' inspired novelists.
  • Elizabeth Bathory story

    Elizabeth Bathory story
    An inspiration aspect for the dracula story written by Bram Stoker, this woman killed hundred of virgin women and bathed in their blood as an attempt to keep herself looking young
  • Vampire - Dictionary

    The time the word Vampire, was used worldwide.
  • Frankenstein novel

    Frankenstein novel
    Mary Shelley publishes Frankenstein, which freatures moments of Dracula.
  • "The Vampyre" - Book

    "The Vampyre" - Book
    John polidori published this book in 1819 and it was the first story of a vampire to show many aspects and features.
  • Varney The Vampire

    James Malcolm Rymer publishes the story Varney The Vampire
  • Bith Of Stroker

    Bith Of Stroker
    Bram Stoker is born in Clontarf outside Dublin Ireland.
  • The Vampire Tale

    The vampire tale "Carmilla" by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu is published.
  • Bram Strokers - Research

    Bram Stoker composes various research notes for Dracula
  • Bram Stroker writes "Dracula"

    One of the most well known novels of all time, Bram Stroker finish's writing his book, Dracula.
  • Count Orlok - Film

    The film Nosferatu comes out which is an adaption of the dracula story because the makers weren't able to gain the rights to the original story.
  • Theatre - Dracula

    Dracula is a 1924 stage play adapted by Hamilton Deane from the novel of the same name by Bram Stoker.
  • Movie - Dracula

    The first official movie adaptation was given the same name as the book and took inspiration mainly from the stage play rather than the novel
  • Video Game - Castlevania

    Video Game - Castlevania
    The very first video game to implement the Dracula theme.