3000 BCE - 200 BCE Timeline

  • 3000 BCE

    First System of Writing is Formed.

    In around 3000 BCE, Mesopotamians invent the first form of writing in order to keep track of tax records.
  • 2680 BCE

    King Djoser commissions the first pyramid to house his remains.

    This would be the start of a tradition in which the Egyptians would bury their rulers inside of tombs in the pyramids.
  • 2340 BCE

    Sargon the Great Conquers and Unites Mesopotamia.

    Along with uniting Mesopotamia, Sargon the Great creates the world's first standing army.
  • 2112 BCE

    The Ur III dynasty begins.

    During the Ur III dynasty bureaucracy is created. Bureaucracy allowed for a more efficient way to govern the people through the control and influence of many compared to that of one.
  • 1780 BCE

    Code of Hammurabi is Created.

    Longest lasting substantial form of law is created by King Hammurabi. The code of Hammurabi described the rights and obligations of the Babylonians.
  • 1700 BCE

    The Hittite Empire is Formed.

    The Hittites form an empire in Anatolia. The Hittites serve as the link between the civilizations of Mesopotamia and the civilizations around the Mediterranean by introducing things such as math and astronomy to the Greeks.
  • 1336 BCE

    Tutankhamun is Born.

    "King Tut" restored the religious traditions of old in Egypt after his father tried to focus all worship to the god Aten.
  • 1300 BCE

    The Phoenicians develop a syllabic alphabet.

    This syllabic alphabet would later go on to be the basis of Greek and Roman writing.
  • 1100 BCE

    The Bronze Age ends and the Iron Age begins

    The Bronze age ends due to a collapse in long-distance trading paving the way for the Iron Age.
  • 650 BCE

    The Lydians start using "staters"

    Staters were lumps of gold and silver of a standard weight and are considered the first ever coins. Staters made it easier for tax collections and for merchants to buy and sell goods.