3500 BCE
Location: Babylon The invention of writing in Mesopotamia
2184 BCE
Location: Egypt - Pharoah of Egypt back then during abram's life
Source: https://www.ancient.eu/timeline/pharaoh/
Reign of King Merenre Nemtyemsaf II in Egypt. -
2081 BCE
Location:Egypt Gensis 15 God renews his cool covenant with abram
2081 BCE
Location: Canaan gensis 16 the amazing birth of Ishmael
2054 BCE
Location: Jerusalem, Mountain Moriah - Abraham almost sacrificing isaac
God sent Abraham to sacrifice Issac in Jerusalem, Mountain Moriah and Abraham agreed with sorrow. Then once they reach the mountain, Abraham binds Isaac to the altar, This is known as the Binding of Issac (Genesis 22 verse 13). When Abraham was about to stab the knife into Issac God sent an angle to halt him and to tell Abraham to use the ram that was stuck in the thickets instead. (Genesis 22 verse 13) and so he did.
Date: 2054 BC https://biblehub.com/timeline/genesis/12.htm -
2019 BCE
Location: Israel, God fulfilling the Abrahamic covenant today
The covenant was created in Genesis 17. And we see it being fulfilled today because The fulfillment of the promises hinges upon two important considerations: (1) Israel’s continuance as a nation; (2) Israel’s possession of the land. It is admitted by most conservative expositors of the Scriptures. God says in the Covenant that Isreal will continue to be an existing blessed promised land and we can see that is still being fulfilled as I speak. And on top of that, the descendants own the land. -
Period: 2006 BCE to
TIme span of Jacob's life
odd timespan IMO but this is what the source says :/ -
Period: 1960 BCE to 430 BCE
Location: middle east/ Egypt and where Moses was born and the area they traveled:Land of Goshen and Promised Land in Canaan Old testament timespan (starting from Abraham)
1910 BCE
Joseph Typology part 1
Joseph is rejected by his brothers which results in the salvation of the Gentiles (Egypt being the Mediterranean Empire of that day). We can see a similar circumstance in the NT as Jesus is rejected by Israel which results in the salvation of the Gentiles. the date in which he got sold to slavery ( peak of his brothers hating him) was 1910BC. date source http://www.aboutbibleprophecy.com/e3.htm -
1898 BCE
Location: Cannan - Joseph gets sold by his horrible brothers
Period: 1898 BCE to 1889 BCE
Location: Egypt Joseph works for Potiphar
Joseph works for Potiphar
https://biblehub.com/timeline/genesis/12.htm -
Period: 1889 BCE to 1886 BCE
Location: Eygpt - back to prison baby
1888 BCE
Location: Egypt - Joseph is second in command in Egypt
1850 BCE
Location: Middle East The Hebrew alphabet was invented
Source: https://www.google.com/search?safe=strict&ei=3AtRXNCpCIT48QW8sa3IBA&q=invention+of+hebrew+alphabet&oq=invention+of+hebrew+alphabet&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i22i30l2.4694.32634..32796...7.0..1.316.6179.1j26j5j3......0....1..gws-wiz.....0..0i71j0i67j0j0i13i30j0i13i5i30j0i8i13i30j33i22i29i30j33i21j33i160.unEkk6JRsmI known as Semitic Scripts
Written from right to left
No punctuation capitalization or grammar
No verses in the Bible -
1450 BCE
Location: Greece - Non-biblical event: Minoan culture destroyed, perhaps by the Mycenaeans.
It is what it says -
217 BCE
Location: Current day Syria - Nonbiblical event: Syrian War
217 BC 4th Syrian War- The Fourth Syrian War come to an end at the Battle of Rafiah. Ptolemy IV of Egypt defeats Antiochus III, who had earlier captured Egyptian territory in Syria. The war ended with Ptolemy getting back territory lost earlier in the war, but without any other substantial changes. Source: https://www.historycentral.com/dates/300bc.html -
200 BCE
Location: Israel oral tradition
Matthew notes that Jesus exorcised demons out of two men in the Gadarene region. Mark and Luke only note the exorcism of one Source https://bellatorchristi.com/2017/05/09/3-kinds-of-middle-eastern-oral-traditions-and-their-influence-on-nt-gospels/ -
40 BCE
Joseph Typology part 2
Jesus was rejected by Israel (Luke 4:14-30) but later it resulted in the crucifixion --> all of humanity saved. This relates to how Joseph was rejected but later it resulted him saving much of Cannan as he worked his way up to the top authority. Time of Luke : 40-80 AD -
Period: 37 BCE to 100
New Testament time span
10 BCE
Location: Israel and Judah - invention of the Hebrew Alphabet
Location:Jerusalem, Jesus gets crucified
spot outside Jerusalem called Golgotha
Source: https://www.allaboutjesuschrist.org/crucifixion.htm
http://www.ncregister.com/blog/jimmy-akin/when-precisely-did-jesus-die-the-year-month-day-and-hour-revealed -
Location: From North Middle East to Southeast, Paul's first missionary journey
From Antiochto to Seleucia then sail to Salamis, the principle city and seaport of the island of Cyprus.
Source: http://www.biblestudy.org/maps/pauls-first-journey-map.html -
location: All around Middle East: Paul's second missionary journey
Location: Northwest middle east: Paul's third missionary journey
From Antioch-Tarsus-Iconium-Ephesus
Source:http://www.about-jesus.org/paul-third-missionary-journey-map.htm -
Location: Israel and Jerusalem - the writing of genesis
Location: Middle East Writing of Genesis
Source: https://www.google.com/search?safe=strict&ei=qQxRXPK4A5Dg8wXk64_QAg&q=when+was+genesis+written&oq=When+was+genesis+&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0l10.88823.93023..94508...2.0..0.536.3372.0j13j2j0j1j1......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j0i67.TTbgvkp_RHw and Mr poole It is impossible to tract who wrote the book but Abram is given credit -
Feb 21st Soul Hospital, Soul, Korea
i wish i was never born
Source: My parents -
Location: Hong Kong - Personal Reflection
God demonstrates the ways in which God gives dramatic rewards for faith and obedience. At God’s command, Abraham leaves his home to roam in a strange land; God’s reward is to cause Abraham to discover great wealth. For me, I had to sacrifice a whole summer when I was in 7th grade to go to a bible camp which I really did not want to because I could have gone to Australia to visit friends. When I made the decision, I really met God in the camp and I see it as a reward for my choice for him. -
Location: HONG KONG - The year I started ICS
big mistake -
Location:Sodom and Gomorrah Gen19 Sodom and Gomorrah gone for real
Location: Egypt Gensis 12 god make cool promis with abram