1970's Computer Inventors

  • IBM-Floppy Disk- 1972

    The Floppy Disk was an external device that was used to store information. It was a thing plastic square that had a smaller metal square at the top of it. It was the first external storage device created and was used primarily for twenty years. Shortly afterwards we created the USB drive.
  • Ray Tomlinson-Email- 1971

    Email has been a secure way of communicating in business and school settings. It has enhanced our lives by giving us a hard copy on meetings, vital information and a basic form of communication.
  • Motorola-Cell Phone- 1973

    What was a basic flip phone that was only used for phone calls and texts (if you paid for them) is now a literal small computer that the majority of us keeps in our back pockets at all times.
  • Bill Gates-Microsoft-1975

    Bill Gates invented Microsoft with his friend in 1975. This is a software that is still very much used today. It entails programs like, Word, Excel and Powerpoint.
  • Steve Jobs-Apple- 1976

    In April of 1976, Steve Jobs created Apple alongside his friend, Steve Wozniak. There are a plethora of Apple products that have been released or enhanced since then. It's very rare to see someone without at least one Apple product and has become one of the most prominent used brands