• 2-2.5

    washes and dries hands
    brushes teeth with the help
    pulls pants up with assistance
    jumps in place
    throws a ball overhand
  • 2.5-3

    Walk up and downstairs, alternating feet -- one foot per step.
    Kick, throw, and catch a ball.
    Climb well.
    Run more confidently and ride a tricycle.
    Hop and stand on one foot for up to five seconds.
    Walk forward and backward easily.
    Bend over without falling.
  • 3-3.5

    Correctly name familiar colors
    Understand the idea of same and different, start comparing sizes
    Pretend and fantasize more creatively
    Follow three-part commands
    Remember parts of a story
  • 3.5-4

    Understand time better (for example, morning, afternoon, night)
    Count, and understand the concept of counting
    Sort objects by shape and color
    Complete age-appropriate puzzles
    Recognize and identify common objects and pictures
    Run more confidently and ride a tricycle
    Hop and stand on one foot for up to five seconds
    Walk forward and backward easily
    Bend over without falling
    Help put on and remove clothing
  • 4.5-5

    understand most of the instructions you give about familiar things and places, for example, ‘please put your cup on the table’, and are understood by other people
    recognize and name objects and parts of objects in books and in real life
    recite familiar rhymes and sing familiar songs
    begin identifying and copying letters, numbers, and colors
    start to understand time
    know and tell others their name and age
  • 4.5-5

    understand the meaning of opposites (‘high’ and ‘low’, ‘dark’ and ‘light’)
    identify numbers and letters out of order
    count to 10
    talk about ideas and feelings
    identify several colors
    use more connecting words such as ‘when’ and ‘but’ and adjectives like ‘funny’ or ‘pretty’
    understand and start to use words to explain more complex emotions, like ‘confused’ or ‘disappointed’
    use words to explain what’s happening in their brains, like ‘don’t know’ or ‘can’t remember’