1870-1920, Cause and Effect of World War 1

  • New Weaponry

    By the late eighteen hundred new weapons were created and attained by Germany. Such as the new weapon called, The Machine Gun that fired six hundred bullets per minute with deadly accuracy.
  • Due to threats of one another alliances were formed

    Due to threats of one another alliances were formed
    Britain became allies with both France and Russia! They were known as the Triple Entente.
  • British and French Troops

    British and French Troops
    Together won the Germans in battle near the Marne River. The battle was then known as The First Battle of Marne.
  • British Blockade

    Britain had created a blockade preventing German trade overseas.
  • Russia Defeated in Tannenberg by Germany

    Russia Defeated in Tannenberg by Germany
    Russia was defeated due to the fact that they didn't have the modernized weaponry for a modern war that Germany won. Meaning that even more Russian soldiers were killed until they retreated.
  • Germans attack British shipping

    When World War 1 began in 1914, The British shippings were soon brutally attacked by German submarines the very next year.
  • Germany & New Technology

    New technology led to more dangerous warfares. Resulting in more deaths. The new weapon to attack Britain on the sea was known as a U-boat which caused much more destruction.
  • New Types Of Torture

    By this time the Triple Alliance would choke, blind, burn, and cut their victims.
  • Italy Declares War

    on Austria-Hungary. The declaration of war led to eleven battles fought between the two.
  • The Human Cost

    was due to the long eleven-month time period. As a result, there were half a million soldiers who had been killed, injured, if not missing! Probably taken by troops.
  • United States and War

    Germany made an offer to Mexico. Saying that If they went to war with the U.S they would give them lands in New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. The United States wasn't having it then claimed war on Germany in April.
  • New Supports

    The U.S started supporting the Britain Navy with warships to defeat the German U-boat Blockade. Due to the fact that the trading markets were at stake.
  • Russia's Withdrawal

    When Russia withdrew, Germany took the opportunity to move troops east to west. (Western Front) With the goal to finish the war by killing off both French and Britain troops before American troops came.
  • Same Sided Troops Suffered

    Poison Gases were part of new technologies. However, they didn't only weaken opposing troops. The gases thrown caused breathing and irritation problems on the skin. This occurred with a solder's mask on. Leading to suffocation and death if they didn't make it.
  • Number of Casualties

    Once World War One ended, eight point five million soldiers had been killed. Along with the deaths of thirteen million civilians.
  • Fourteen Points

    President Woodrow Wilson created a set of terms to resolve and stop wars. Once and for all. These terms were known as the Fourteen Points. This shined a bright light on national self-determinization.
  • A Great German Surrender

    The Fourteen Points came to play when Germany decided to surrender in November. Being Wilson, he was happy because this was the response that he had hoped for.
  • Battle of Somme

    In March, Germany launched a huge attack on Britain. The battlefield on the River of Somme was a heavy bloodshed battlefield.
  • The American Army in Saint Mihiel

    The American Army alone had defeated German forces in September.
  • Germany's Downfall

    By this time four years of war had already passed. Resulting in a falling economy, troops, and morale. Germany wasn't confident in a victorious outcome. This is also more reason as to why they surrendered later in the year.
  • The Armistice

    Two months later, on November 11, 1918, Germany had signed an armistice to end the war. The "war to all wars" was finally over!!
  • Loss of Allies

    When Germany had signed the agreement to stop fighting it lost many benefits that its allies provided. They had to turn in weaponry and troops back to their original lands. The Allie'ss main goal was to prevent Germany from fighting.
  • The Ruins

    Once the war was declared over, many parts of Europe were destroyed due to the war. As expected France and Belgium lands were worse than wastelands.
  • Destruction and Repairments

    Once the war ended, one of the new focuses was the reparations for the destruction. In total, the cost for the destruction was thirty-seven billion dollars.
  • Destruction and Repairments

    Once the war had ended the new focus was now the repairments for the destruction. In total, the amount of money needed in order to repair everything due to the war was thirty-seven billion!
  • Germany's and Russia's War Cost

    Germany's and Russia's War Cost
    The cost of both of these nations was how many soldiers were lost. Each of these two nations lost one point seven million soldiers in the war. Let me remind you that --each-- of them lost this many soldiers.
  • Austria-Hungary's and France's War Costs

    Additionally, together the cost of the war was that they lost more than one point two million soldiers in war who didn't make it.
  • Great Britain's War Costs

    Britain and its empire alone lost nine hundred thousand soldiers in the war. Soldiers who could have been sons, uncles, fathers, cousins, brothers and etc. That was the cost. Their deaths.
  • Economy Effects

    The numbers of social and economic effects of the loss of millions of lives just couldn't be calculated nor estimated. Due to the fact that it was almost impossible to do so.
  • The War's Cost

    As a result of the war sixty-five million had fought, eighty-five point five had been killed, twenty-one we injured, and many were traumatized for life.