wood bike
This bike was built out of wood. Designed by Leonardo De Vinci and built by Monsieur Sivrac. No pedals and no steering. -
Hobby Horse
No pedals but it could steer. made by Baron Von Drais -
Had pedals & steered
had pedals that turned the wheel as the pedals were pushed back and fourth. -
front wheel
Pedals on the front wheel. made by Pierre Lallement -
Built with stronger metal. front wheel was large and back wheel was small. -
Ladies bike
Early 1880s. Built mainly for the ladies -
(LAW) The League of American Wheelman
The first bicycle club was formed. -
Chain and sprocket
Late 1880s. a chain and sprocket was added -
Susan B. Anthony
Said The bicycle had done more for the emancipation of women than anything else in the world. -
The kids bike
14 year old kids did tricks that we do now with a 65 pound bike. -
BSA racing Bicycle
Henry ford purchased this 10 speed bike. -
3 speed
This was a 3 speed which had pedals and handles bars to turn. -
Mountain bike
This was sold by mass production -
BMX bike
These bikes are used for racing and to perform tricks.