airplane history to modern day

  • First successful flying model propelled by an internal combustion engine

    First successful flying model propelled by an internal combustion engine
    <a href='' ></a> Samuel Pierpont Langley builds a gasoline-powered version of his tandem-winged "Aerodromes." the first successful flying model to be propelled by an internal combustion engine. But almost five years prior to that he launched steam-propelled models with wingspans of up to 15 feet on flights of more than half a mile. Little did he know that this would be the start of an enginious scheme that would change the world for the better.
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  • First Flight

    First Flight
    <a href='' ></a> Wilbur and Orville Wright of Dayton, complete the first four sustained flights with a powered, controlled airplane at Kill Devil Hills. Wilbur covered 852 feet over the ground in 59 seconds on this day. This left many in revalation considering that this had never been done before, mostly everyone thought that this initiative would fail.
  • improvments for WW1

    improvments for WW1
    <a href='' ></a> During World War I, the requirements of higher speed, higher altitude, and greater maneuverability drive dramatic improvements in aerodynamics, structures, and control and propulsion system design. This gave soldiers that participated in this certain war a higher chance of servival considering that the planes were more efficient and could help them get to and from the war in the easiest tatic possible.
  • Airmail Service

    Airmail Service
    <a href='' ></a> The U. S. Postal Service inaugurates airmail service from Polo Grounds in Washington, D.C., the first transcontinental airmail service arrives in New York from San Francisco in 33 hours and 20 minutes, nearly 3 days faster than mail delivery by train. Impacted people everywhere because it gave millions a chance to write to their loved ones across the globe and recieve compensation for their returned letter as fast as possible
  • first non-stop flight

    first non-stop flight
    <a href='' ></a> U.S. Navy aviators in Curtiss NC-4 flying boats, led Lt. Cdr. Albert C. Read, make the first airplane crossing of the North Atlantic, flying from Newfoundland to London with stops in the Azores and Lisbon. A few months later British Capt. John Alcock and Lt. Albert Brown make the first nonstop transatlantic flight, from Newfoundland to Ireland. Which gave people hope for a modern and more efficient type of transpertation.
  • First Solo Flight

    First Solo Flight
    On May 21, Charles Lindbergh completes the first nonstop solo flight across the Atlantic, traveling 3,600 miles from New York to Paris in a Ryan monoplane named the Spirit of St. Louis. This was a big deal to people across the world because the invention of airplanes was just recently created and this opened up opportunities to those who wanted to fly airplanes and gave inspiration to everyone across the globe.
  • first airport

    first airport
    <a href='' ></a>
    World's first airport was built in 1928 at Croydon near London. This had a very big impact on the future, because without the creation of an airport, transpertaion for pedestrians would not be an option. Some people, now-a-days use this type of transpertation on a daily basis. This offers a faster, more efficient, and safer travel.
  • Amelia Earhart's influence

    Amelia Earhart's influence
    Amelia Earhart became the first female pilot to cross the Atlantic Ocean.This is a very important time in history that greatly effected the future.This not only gave women across the world hope, but it also gave everyone, including men courage. Men said "well if a women can do it then i can".This gave people reason to carry on and create bigger and better designs for airplanes.This gave everyone of the past, present, and future to make airplanes that we're better then that one moment in history
  • First Modern Airliner

    First Modern Airliner
    In February, Boeing introduces the 247, a twin-engine 10-passenger monoplane that is the first modern commercial airliner. With variable-pitch propellers, it has an economical cruising speed and excellent takeoff. Also landing gear to make for a better landing. This is a big moment in history because it leads to airplanes with even more passengers, like the modern airplanes of today that can hold over a hundred passengers. The first modern airliner lead to greater and bigger airplanes of today.
  • First Practical Radar

    First Practical Radar
    British scientist Sir Robert Watson-Watt patents the first practical radar system for meteorological applications. During World War II radar is successfully used in Great Britain to detect incoming aircraft and provide information to intercept bombers.This effected today's current airplanes because this radar system is just about in every country and is mostly used for war, to see where the enemy lays and then plot a plan of how to destroy that enemy.This system is used on a every day basis.
  • Jet Engines Designed

    Jet Engines Designed
    Jet engines designed independently by Britain’s Frank Whittle and Germany’s Hans von Ohain make their first test runs. Two years later, on August 27, the first jet aircraft, the Heinkel HE 178, takes off. This was a very important time in history, because this gave the types of airplanes a variety. The jets were faster than the customary airplane, and could travel and be effective faster. This effected today, because they made even more efficient army airplanes based on the designs of the jet.
  • First Practical Helicopter

    First Practical Helicopter
    Russian emigre Igor Sikorsky develops the VS-300 helicopter for the U.S. Army, one of the first practical singlerotor helicopters. This effected history, because without this ideal of the "helicopter" then now a days, we'd probably only have airplanes.
  • Sound Barrier Brocken!

    Sound Barrier Brocken!
    U.S. Air Force pilot Captain Charles "Chuck" Yeager becomes the fastest man alive when he pilots the Bell X-1 faster than sound for the first time on October 14 over the town of Victorville, California. This effects today because we keep making improvements to this certain plane, which makes it even more efficient and probably the number one plane that army forces chose when going into war. You don't know it's there until after it's passed over. So cool!!!
  • Air Force

    Air Force
    <a href='' ></a> September 18, 1947, was the specific date that the air force was founded. This was a big moment in history that would effect America's future for the better. This was a huge step from the first airplane because this was a entire alignment of military dedicating their lives to flying in jet planes fighting enimies.
  • B-52 Bomber

    B-52 Bomber
    Boeing made the B-52 bomber. It has eight turbojet engines, intercontinental range, and a capacity of 500,000 pounds. This presents how much air planes have transformed from the past to future. Back then, air planes could barely stay above ground for over a few seconds, Now-a-days we're building complex killing machines. Today the issue is "can it stay up" the issue is how many bombs can it drop at once and how many people can it devastate.
  • People to Outer Space

    People to Outer Space
    This is the day that NASA selected its first seven astronauts to venture out to the unknowns of space. This was an enormous happening in history. This happening was inspired by the airplane. If the airplane was not created then the chances of us ever going out to space would be highly unlikely, which is why the airplane had such an effect on the outcome and shaping of not only our country, but also the world, because shortly after the U.S sent people to space, other countries did the same.
  • Space Shuttle

    Space Shuttle
    US President Richard Nixon announces $US 5.5 billion in funding for the Space Shuttle program. The Space Shuttle was inspired by the design of a plane. This shows how far we have come, technology wise since the first airplane, and how huge the improvments have been on the simple airplane. This Space Shuttle was just the first of future ones to come.
  • China to U.S.

    China to U.S.
    <a href='' ></a>a Boeing 747 of CAAC lands at JFK International Airport, marking the first time since 1949 that a flight from mainland China to the United States is performed. This didn't effect the future as much as acomplishments in the past had. But from this point on, not many had effects of the future, but all show effects of the first airplane
  • Voyager circumnavigates the globe (26,000 miles) nonstop in 9 days

    Voyager circumnavigates the globe (26,000 miles) nonstop in 9 days
    Using a carbon-composite material, aircraft designer Burt Rutan crafts Voyager for flying around the world nonstop on a single load of fuel. Voyager has two centerline engines, one fore and one aft, and weighs less than 2,000 pounds (fuel for the flight adds another 5,000 pounds). It is piloted by Jeana Yeager (no relation to test pilot Chuck Yeager) and Burt’s brother Dick Rutan, who circumnavigate the globe (26,000 miles) nonstop in 9 days.Which gave corage to passengers that they were safe.
  • Crash and Kill

    Crash and Kill
    An Air Inter Airbus A320, crashes on landing at Strasbourg, killing 87 out of 96 people on board. This shows that even from when the airplane was first invented to current day that the airplane is no where close to perfection and falws are still made.The airplane has never been, nor will ever be completely safe and have, and always will have some crash.This shows that no matter how many times we shall update the most current plane to something better, this part of history will never change.