Period: to
Welcome To College Day
China Town Street Fest
College Night
Solano Stroll
Vision Y Compromiso
Community health Workers Network -
Project Bridge
UCB Reps connecting with BCC -
High School Tabling
Berkeley High, Albany High, Emery High -
UC Berkeley Reps Presentations
UC Berkeley Ambassador Mentor Program presentation
Albany High College Night
Transfer Day
Cal aspire schools partnership
Ambassadors mentoring at Berkeley High School
Ambassadors support at Job Fair
Fruitvale community fair
Peralta Foundation Dinner Meet With Chancellor and vice chancellor
Berkeley High Mentoring team meetings
Oakland Tech College Fair
College Fair supporting Youth Uprising
Presentation Clevon Smith, Shirley Fogarino
Presentation Clevon Smith, Shirley Fogarino
Ambassador Training, Microsoft
Kwanzaa and Christmas Gift Show coverage
Student Ambassador Outreach year end partnership lunch
Kwanzaa and Christmas Gift Show coverage
Trained and prepared for peak enrollment for Spring 09. Worked the Welcome Center
Tour for the Educational Therapy for adults and young adults
Laney Day
Merritt Latino Conference
EOPS Graduation Support
BCC Graduation
Visit by Accreditation team to ambassador meeting
Emery Secondary School Tour at BCC
Ambassador outreach Recruitment and leadership luncheon
Transfer Day
South East Asian Young Leaders Tour at BCC
UC Berkeley Director of Undergraduate admissions visit
Berkeley High School Career Center
YMCA shadow day
Cal Day
Ambassador Training
A’s Game tabling
Green Day Conference at Merritt College
Albany Tour
Urban Promise Academy Tour
Paula Coil Transfer Center Presentation
Student Awards Luncheon support
Microsoft Training
Microsoft Training
Berkeley Chamber of Commerce Awards Dinner & Presentation
Student Ambassador Microsoft and Student Email training at Laney College
Persist Program Presentation
Assessment Center Support assisted 800 students
Counseling Center Support assisted 100 people
CCC Apply Training for Peak Enrollment
EOPS Support and presentations, assisted 150 students
Supported Welcome Center through Passport & CCC Apply Assistance enrolled 2000students
Chinatown Street Fest passed out brochures to 600 people
Chinatown Street Fest passed out brochures to 600 people
Aspire Schools Mills Mont, Wilson, Cal Prep Academy Outreach at high school levelenrolled 150 students
UC Berkeley Mentorship Program Presentation
Persist Program Math Tutoring
Paul Coil Transfer Center Presentation
Assessment Center Support
Welcome Center Passport Assistance
EOPS Support
Counseling Center Support
Concurrent Enrollment outreach at High schools
Solano Stroll passed out brochures to 700 people
College Day at Berkeley Technical Academy
Persist Program Support
Cal Prep Support
EOPS support
Counseling Center Support
Aspire School Support
Wise Allen, Jim Bracy, Cy Gullasa Guest Speakers at Ambassador Meeting
College Night at Albany High School
Transfer Day assisted several hundred students
Concurrent Enrollment Project for Aspire Schools
Student Ambassador Clothing Drive
Educational Plans discussed by Ambassadors to guest Speaker Chancellor Elihu Harris
Assisted in Assessment
International Ambassador Luncheon: World Peace Through Education
Assisted in Assessment
Assisted in Assessment
Assisted in Assessment
Special Tour Groups
Supported Peralta Foundation Dinner
Peak Enrollment for Spring
Student Ambassador Clothing Drive
Concurrent Enrollment Project for Aspire Schools
Assisted in Assessment
Assisted in Assessment
Assisted in Assessment
Assisted in Assessment
Assisted in Assessment
Assisted in Assessment
Meeting with Mayor Bates
Wellstone non-profit training
Wellstone non-profit training
Take Charge California
Latino & African American Education Summit, Cal State East Bay
Berkeley Public Health H1N1 Vaccines
Berkeley High College Day
Willard Middle School tour
Green Career Exploration Fair
Transfer Basics Workshop
Life after High school event
Latino & African American Education Summit
YWCA Shadow Day
Barbara Lee speaks on Budget Cuts
UC Berkeley Poverty Symposium
Berkeley High Tour
Albany High Tour DSP
Cal Day UC Berkeley
UC Berkeley’s Boalt Hall Law School
Loni Hancoc kinteractive event, Facing the Budget Crisis
Raza Health Fair
UC Berkeley Black Recruitment and Retention Center
El Cerrito High Tour (Multimedia)
Pace Graduation
Multimedia Seminar with Lee Mars
Berkeley Adult School Event
Transportation & Housing Presentations
El Cerrito High School Multimedia tour
Middle School Tours
International Farewell Luncheon
Berkeley High Event with May Chen
Transfer Day assisting students at workshop
Albany High School Event with Victor Flint
Student Town hall meeting with Chancellor Wise Allen
Peralta Foundation Dinner
President’s Circle Berkeley City College
Cleanslate project at Laney College
Cleanslate project at Laney College