Americans fought and won against 1200 British soldiers stationed in Princeton
french secretly sent weapons to patriots
War moved to middle states
Period: to
General William Howe and vrother AdmiralRichard Howe joined together and sailed into New York harvor with 32000 men
Battle for New York ended
british pushed Washingtons army across Deleware into Pennsylvania
Washington led 2400 men across Deleware river
Battle of Trenton
Terms of Americas enlistment due to end
Period: to
General Howe began campaign to seize Phillidelphia
Howe's troops landed near capital of Phillidelphia
General Burgoyne surrendered at saratoga
Period: to
winter at valley forge
American troops began amazing transformation
French signed alliance/treaty of cooperation with Americans
Marquis de Lafayette joined Washingtons Saffand lobbied for French reinforcements
Period: to
British began to shift operations to the south
British expedition to Sabannah
Period: to
A gobenor once again commanded Georgia
FRench army landed in Newport,Rhode Island
General Henry Clinton and General Charles Corwallis sailed with 8500 men
Cornwallis's army smashed American forces atcamden, South Carolina
british had forts estabished across the state
Nataniel Greene met with other half of force at Cowpens ,South Carolina, fought british and forced them to surrender
Cornwallis attacked Greene at Guilford Court House ,North Carolina
Greene wrote a letter to Lafayette asking for help
Congress appointed a rich Phillidelphia merchant as superintendent of Finance
troops paid in specie or gold coin
Cornwallis and Britsh surrendered
Colonel William Fontain,America, and French Armys lined road near yorktown to witnessBritish surrender
Peace talks vegan in Paris
DElegates signed the Treaty of Paris