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United States Civil War

  • Period: to

    United States Civil War

  • Establishment of the Louisiana State Seminary of Higher Learing

    Establishment of the Louisiana State Seminary of Higher Learing
    The Louisiana State Seminary of Higher Learning is established at Pineville. William Tecumseh Sherman is Superintendent. It later becomes LSU.
  • Jefferson Davis favors secession

    Jefferson Davis favors secession
    Jefferson Davis comes out in favor of secession for the first time.
  • Lincoln delivers speech at Cooper Institute

    Lincoln delivers speech at Cooper Institute
    After being photographed by Matthew Brady, Abraham Lincoln speaks at the Cooper Institute in New York City.
  • Classes Begin at the Pinville Seminary

    Classes Begin at the Pinville Seminary
    Classes began at the Seminary of Higher Learning at Pineville.
  • Constitution Union Party Meeting in Baltimore

    Constitution Union Party Meeting in Baltimore
    The Constitution Union Party meets in Baltimore. They create a platform heavily taken from the U.S. Constitution and selects John Bell of Tennessee for president and Edward Everett of Massachusettes for Vice President. It represents southern Whigs and Know-Nothings. Sometimes called the Bell-Union Party.
  • Republican Convention held in Chicago Illnois

    Republican Convention held in Chicago Illnois
    Republican Convention is held in Chicago, Illinois. William H. Seward, Salmon P. Chase, and Abraham Lincoln of Illinois are the leading contenders from a field of 12 candidates. Lincoln wins the 3rd ballot. Hannibal Hamlin of Maine is chosen for Vice President.
  • The Democratic National Convention Meets in Baltimore

    The Democratic National Convention Meets in Baltimore
    The Democratic National Convention meets in Baltimore. They nominate Stephen Douglas and Herschal V.Johnson.
  • Southern Democrats Hold a Convention in Richmond

    Southern Democrats Hold a Convention in Richmond
    Southern Democrats hold a convention in Richmond. There they select John C. Breckinridge as their nominee for president.
  • Abraham Lincoln Elected 16th President of the U.S.

    Abraham Lincoln Elected 16th President of the U.S.
    Abraham Lincoln of Illinois wins at the 1860 Presidential Election by obtaining 180 electoral Votes. Lincoln won 39% of the popular vote and would become Cheif of Party for the Republicans.
  • South Carolina Secedes

    South Carolina Secedes
    South Carolina is the first state to secede from the Union.
  • Mississippi Secedes

    Mississippi Secedes
    Mississippi secedes from the Union.
  • Star of the West Is Fired Upon at the Entrance To Charleston Harbor

    Star of the West Is Fired Upon at the Entrance To Charleston Harbor
    Star of the West, an unarmed merchant vessel secretly carrying federal troops and supplies to Fort Sumter, is fired upon by South Carolina artillery at the entrance to Charleston harbor.
  • Florida Secedes

    Florida Secedes
    Florida secedes from the Union.
  • Alabama Secedes

    Alabama Secedes
    Alabama secedes from the Union.
  • Georgia Secedes

    Georgia Secedes
    Georgia secedes from the Union.
  • Louisiana Secedes

    Louisiana Secedes
    Louisiana secedes from the Union.
  • Kansas Prohibits Slavery

    Kansas Prohibits Slavery
    Kansas is admitted as a state with a constitution prohibiting slavery.
  • Texas Secedes

    Texas Secedes
    Texas secedes from the Union.
  • Confederate States of America is Formed

    Confederate States of America is Formed
    The Confederate States of America is formed with Jefferson Davis as president.
  • Lincoln's Inauguration

    Lincoln's Inauguration
    Abraham Lincoln is inaugurated as the 16th President of the United States.
  • Fort Sumter Surrenders

    Fort Sumter Surrenders
    From April 12 to the 13th Fort Sumter is bombarded and surrenders to South Carolina troops lead by P. G. T. Beauregard.
  • Virginia Secedes

    Virginia Secedes
    Virginia secedes from the Union.
  • Arkansas Secedes

    Arkansas Secedes
    Arkansas secedes from the Union.
  • North Carolina Secedes

    North Carolina Secedes
    North Carolina secedes from the Union.
  • Tennessee Secedes

    Tennessee Secedes
    Tennessee secedes from the Union.
  • Grant captures Fort Henry& Fort Donelson

    Grant captures Fort Henry& Fort Donelson
    General Ulysses S. Grant captures Fort Henry, Tennessee. Ten days later he accepts the "unconditional and immeadiate surrender" of Fort Donelson. These Victories open up the state of Tennessee for Union advancement.
  • USS Monitor & CSS Virginia Battle at Hampton Roads, VA

    USS Monitor & CSS Virginia Battle at Hampton Roads, VA
    The ironclads USS Monitor and CSS Virginia battle to a draw at Hampton Roads, Virginia, demonstrating the superior potential of vessels made of steel.
  • McClellan Leads the Army of the Potomac Toward Yorktown

    McClellan Leads the Army of the Potomac Toward Yorktown
    On the peninsula southeast of Richmond, McClellan leads the Army of the Potomac toward Yorktown, Virginia, beginning the Peninsular Campaign.
  • Confederacy Adopts Conscription

    Conscription is adopted in the Confederacy.
  • Battle of McDowell

    Battle of McDowell
    Stonewall Jackson's Shenandoah Valley campaign begins successfully with a victory at the Battle of McDowell in Virginia.
  • Lee Takes Over the Confederates At the Battle of 7 Pines

    From May 31st to June 1st, during the Battle of Seven Pines in Virginia, Robert E. Lee takes over command of the Confederate army from the wounded Joseph Johnston.
  • Horace Greeley Publishes "The Prayer of Twenty Millions"

    Horace Greeley Publishes "The Prayer of Twenty Millions"
    Horace Greeley of the New York Tribune publishes The Prayer of Twenty Millions, a plea for Lincoln to liberate slaves in the Union.
  • Antietam

    The battle of Atietam, Maryland, extracts heavy losses on both the Union side and the Confederate side.
  • McClellan Relieved

    McClellan Relieved
    General McClellan recieves Lincoln's order relieving him of command of the Army of the Potomac.
  • Lee Wins the Battle of Fredericksburg

    Lee Wins the Battle of Fredericksburg
    Lee wins the battle of Fredricksburg decisively.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    President Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation, declaring that slaves in the seceding states are now free.
  • Federal Draft Act

    Lincoln signs a federal draft act.
  • Union Admiral Fails To Penetrate the Harbor Defenses of Charleston

    Union Admiral Fails To Penetrate the Harbor Defenses of Charleston
    In a test of ironclad vessels against land fortifications, Union Admiral Samuel F. DuPont's fleet fails to penetrate the harbor defenses of Charleston.
  • Brandy Station, VA

    Brandy Station, VA
    Confederate calvary under Jeb Stuart clash with the Union mounts of Alfred Pleasanton in an all day battle at Brandy Station, VA. Some 18,000 troopers- approximately 9,000 on either side- take part, making this the largest calvary battle on American soil. In the end, Staurt will hold the field.
  • - July 3rd, Battle of Gettysburg

    - July 3rd, Battle of Gettysburg
    The Battle of Gettysburg took place from July 1st through July 3rd. This 3 day battle was fought in Pennslyvania. General George G. Meade compromises his victory by allowing Lee to retreat south across the Potomac.
  • Vicksburg Surrenders

    Confederate stronghold of Vicksburg surrenders after a siege.
  • -July 15th, Draft Protests

    -July 15th, Draft Protests
    Violent riots erupt in New York City in protest of the Draft
  • Chickamauga

    Confederates under General Braxton Bragg win a great tactical victory at Chickamauga, GA. Union General George H. Thomas wins the nickname "Rock of Chickamauga" for his stubborn defense position.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    Lincoln delivers his Gettysburg Address, in which he reiterates the nation's fundamental principle that all men are created equal.
  • Union Advancement To The Heart of the Confederacy

    Union Advancement To The Heart of the Confederacy
    After 3 days of battle, the Union victory at Chattanooga, Tennessee opens the way for Union advancement into the heart of the Confederacy.
  • Grant Commissioned To the Rank of Lieutenant Gen.

    Grant Commissioned To the Rank of Lieutenant Gen.
    Newly commissioned to the rank of lieutenant general, Ulysses S. Grant is given official authority to command all of the armies of the United States.
  • USS Kearsarge Sinks the CSS Alabama

    USS Kearsarge Sinks the CSS Alabama
    The USS Kearsarge sinks the CSS Alabama of Cherbourg, France, where the Confederate raider was bound for refitting.
  • Lincoln Repeals Fugitive Slave Laws

    Lincoln Repeals Fugitive Slave Laws
    Lincoln signs a bill repealing the fugitive slave laws.
  • Farragut Wins At Mobile Bay

    Farragut Wins At Mobile Bay
    Union Admiral David G. Farragut wins the battle of Mobile Bay.
  • Sherman Captures Atlanta

    Sherman Captures Atlanta
    After forcing the Confederate Army of John Bell Hood out of Atlanta, Georgia, General William T. Sherman captures the city. This is a major munitions center for the South.
  • Union Victory At Cedar Creek

    Union Victory At Cedar Creek
    A Union victory at Cedar Creek ends the Confederate threat in the Shenandoah Valley.
  • Lincoln Is Reelected

    Lincoln Is Reelected
    Lincoln is reelected as President, with Andrew Johnson as Vice President.
  • Sherman Begins His "March To the Sea"

    Sherman Begins His "March To the Sea"
    Sherman leaves Atlanta and begins his "march to the sea", in an attempt to demoralize the south and hasten surrender.
  • General George H. Thomas Wins the Battle of Nashville

    General George H. Thomas Wins the Battle of Nashville
    General George Henry Thomas wins the Battle of Nashville, decimating John Bell Hood's Confederate Army of Tennessee.
  • Savannah Falls To Sherman's Army

    Savannah Falls To Sherman's Army
    Savannah falls to Sherman's army without resistance. Sherman gives the city to Lincoln as a birthday present.
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    Congress passes the 13th Amendment, which abolishes slavery throughout the United States.
  • Fired Destroys Most of Columbia, SC

    Fired Destroys Most of Columbia, SC
    Columbia, South Carolina, is almost completely destroyed by fire, most likely set by Sherman's troops.
  • Lincoln's 2nd Inauguration

    Lincoln's 2nd Inauguration
    Lincoln is inaugurated as President for a second term.
  • The Appomattox Campaign Begins

    The Appomattox Campaign Begins
    The Appomattox campaign begins, with Grant's move against Lee's defenses at Petersburg,VA.
  • Ambrose Powell Hill is Killed

    Ambrose Powell Hill is Killed
    Petersburg falls, and the Confederate government evacuates its capitol, Richmond. Confederate corps commander Ambrose Powell Hill is killed in action while attempting to rally his men.
  • Union Troops In Richmond

    Union Troops In Richmond
    Union troops occupy Richmond.
  • Lee Surrenders To Grant At Appottomax

    Lee Surrenders To Grant At Appottomax
    Robert E. Lee surrenders the Army of Northern VA to Grant at Appottomax.
  • Lincoln Assassinated

    Lincoln Assassinated
    John Wilkes Booth shoots President Lincoln at Ford's Theater.
  • Andrew Johnson Inaugurated

    Andrew Johnson Inaugurated
    Abraham Lincoln dies. Andrew Johnson is inaugurated as President.
  • Conspirators Convicted For Lincoln's Assassination

    Conspirators Convicted For Lincoln's Assassination
    All eight conspirators are convicted for the assassination of President Lincoln; four were sentenced to death.
  • New Freedman's Boreua Bill Passed

    New Freedman's Boreua Bill Passed
    New Freedman's Boreau bill passed by Congress. President Andrew Johnson vetoes the bill that authorized military trial for those accused of "depriving Negroes of the Civil Rights" on the same day.
  • Texas Repeals Actions of the Secessionist Convention

    Texas repeals the actions of the Secessionist Convention.
  • Johnson Vetoes the Civil Rights Act of 1866

    Johnson Vetoes the Civil Rights Act of 1866
    President Johnson vetoes the Civil Rights Act of 1866 on the grounds that it was unconstitutional.
  • U.S. Declares Peace Between Southern States

    The United States declares that a state of peace exists with Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia.
  • Ohio Ratifies the 14th Amendment

    Ohio Ratifies the 14th Amendment
    Ohio ratifies the 14th Amendment.
  • Nebraska Ratifies the 14th Amendment

    Nebraska Ratifies the 14th Amendment
    Nebraska Ratifies the 14th Amendment.
  • Some Southern States Admitted Into the Union

    Congress passes a bill admitting Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, and South Carolina into the Union.
  • U.S. Gets Alaska

    U.S. Gets Alaska
    Russia turns over Alaska to the United States.