
The Odyssey

  • Feb 25, 1300

    The Trojan War

    The Trojan War
    Odysseus was sent out to fight the Trojan War, making him leave his home in the town of Ithaca, his wife Penelope, and his son Telemachus. But Odysseus come up with a plan to fool the Trojans by building a large wooden horse that they think will be a peace offering and instead Odysseus and the other men attack them suprisingly.
  • Feb 25, 1311


    The Cicones were allies with the Trojans so Odysseus thought he and his men should go raid them when they were done fighting in the war. The Cicones pushed them away though, killing 72 of his men in the battle.
  • May 25, 1311

    The Lotus Eaters

    The Lotus Eaters
    Odysseus continued sailing, soon landing upon the island of the Lotus Eaters. Odysseus sent out three of his men to search the island but when the ate the Lotus flower, the men lost all desire to go home. So Odysseus tied the men to the ship and sailed away.
  • Sep 25, 1311


    Odysseus and his men (which were on several ships) take a detour to Laestrygones and the giant Laestygones did not like this so he threw bolders at them, Only Odysseus' ship survives the horrible raid.
  • Sep 25, 1311

    Polyphemus the Cyclops

    Polyphemus the Cyclops
    Once upon a time, there was a cyclops named Polythemus (or Polly). So of course Odysseus decided to go to his cave and stay there. Well Polly didn't like this, but he did like Odysseus' men so he ate some! Odysseus did not like this very much so he came up with a plan to escape from Polly. First, they gave Polly way too much wine and made him fall asleep. Then they heated up a spear and stabbed Polly in the eye with it! The men hid under Polly's sheep and made there way back to the boat.
  • Oct 25, 1311


    The bag of good winds, given by Aeolus (the King of Winds) takes the ship within sight of Ithaca, but Odysseus' crew opens the bag of bad winds because they think it is full of gold and that cause them to be pushed away from Ithica and back to Aeolus. Odysseus asks the king for another bag of winds but he refueses thinking that the gods have cursed Odysseus.
  • Nov 25, 1311

    Circe (Who Bret thinks I would be if I was a character)

    Circe (Who Bret thinks I would be if I was a character)
    Some of Odysseus' men go and explore the island of Circe and they stumble upon her house. By stumble, I mean stalk, cause she was singing a beautiful song. Being entrigued, they go to the door which was surround by dogs. Circe feeds them like kings, although her wine traps them and she turns them into pigs. Odysseus tells Circe to turn them back into men and after a year of being piggies, she agrees to let them go but only if he travels to the Underworld to hear a prophecy from Tiresias.
  • Dec 25, 1311

    The Underworld

    The Underworld
    After seeing ghosts of his family (mom) and friends he hears the prophcey from Tiresias that Circe told him to hear. The prophecy stated that he cannot let his men eat the cattle of Helios. It also says that wwhen he returns home ALONE he will find his house taken over by suitors.
  • Dec 25, 1311

    The Return to Circe

    The Return to Circe
    Big O returns to Circe and tells her the what all went down, down underground. she gives human life back to the piggy-men after hearing that Big O has acheived what she asked. Before leaving though, she tells them how to resist the 3 monsters to come.
  • Jan 25, 1312

    The Sirens; Scylla and Charybdis

    The Sirens; Scylla and Charybdis
    To resist the magical sounds of the sirens, the men fill their ears with beeswax and tie Odysseus to the mast of the ship so he could listen because he is stupid. Next, Odysseus makes the difficult decision that Cicre had warned him about. He decides to sail closer to Scylla than Charybdis. Scylla is a multiheaded monster which in the end killed 6 of his men. If he would have sailed towards Charybdis, she would have killed all of them instead of a few.
  • Feb 25, 1312


    After ignoring Tiresias' warning, Odysseus' men (being totally STUPID) eat his prized cattle, angering Zues who sends down a thunderbolt, striking the ship and killing the everyone except Odysseus.
  • Feb 25, 1313


    After sailing onto Calypso's island, she holds Big O captive for seven years to be her lover (because he is cheater. That's why.). Then, Zeus sends down Hermes to send a message to release Odysseus. So then Calypso obeys and helps him (being foreced to, so probably not politely) build a raft to return to King Alcinious.
  • Feb 25, 1320

    Island of Aeolus

    Odysseus lands on Aeolus' island and stays with him for a month. Aeolus holds a party for Odysseus and his men. Aeolus beggs Odysseus to tell him of some of his recent journeys.
  • Feb 25, 1321

    Back Home

    Back Home
    When King Aeolus takes Odysseus to Ithaca, Athena reminds him where he is exactly. He is soon disguised as a begger and sneaks into the house so that the suitors will not kill him. After winning a bow stringing contest for Penelope, Odyssues including Telemachus, the swinherd, and the cowherd kill all the suitors with the help of Athena.