Charles Monet dies of Murburg
Charles Monet was a middle-aged man that was exploring the Kitum Cave in South Africa. Several days after visiting the cave, Monet started complaining of a throbbing pain coming form behind his left eye. Traveling to Nairobi Hospital, it was said that Charles Monet had a zombie like appearance with bright red eyes and had yellow tint to his skin. After being admitt hospital, died a few hours. -
Nancy Jaax has a an Ebola Scare
Nancy Jaax was a US army veterinary, she was working with an extremely deadly hot agent. Jaax was nearly exposed to the virus during the lab. Luckily, she had one layer of three left before the open wound on the center part of her hand came in contact with the contaminated blood. The deadly virus was Ebola. -
Peter Cardinal dies of Marburg shortly after exploring Kitum Cave
Peter Cardinal was a young Dutch boy, that was visiting is family near Kenya. Peter and his older sister, were exploring the Kitum Cave. After returning form their trip his mother noticed that Peter looked and was acting rather strange. Rushing Peter to the Kenya Hospital, they found that his appearance reassembled Charles Monet. With the bright red eyes and the yellow tint that was in his skin. A few days after being admitted Cardinal had died by bleeding out. -
A shipment of monkeys arrives at Reston Monkey House
Dan Delgard owns a monkey house in Reston, Virginia receives a shipment of monkeys form a rainforest in Southern Asia. The employees discover that a portion of the monkeys had died on the way over. Delgard and his employees didn't take anything from the dead monkeys; sense a there was usually a small amount of dead monkeys in every shipment -
Dan Delgard dissects monkeys after many unexpected deaths
Dan Delgard is worried form the rapidly dying monkeys in room three of five. Delgard collected all the monkeys that had passed away. Delgard decided that he wanted to inspect the dead monkeys. Delgard finds that the monkeys had organs that were swollen and hard as rocks. Delgard believed that the monkeys had simian hemorrhagic fever or SHF. -
Dan Delgard contacts the USARIID, believing the virus to be SHF
Delgard contacts the USARIID, to inform them that his shipment of monkeys had been dying two to three every night. Dalgard tells the USARIID their symptoms: red eyes, not eating, slow moving, swollen organs. The USARIID decides to send Tom Geisbert head of the hot zone department, to take samples from the monkeys -
Tom Geisbert and Peter Jahrling smell an unknown substance
Tom Geisbert, is the head of the hot zone department of the USARIID whom has taken samples from dead monkeys recently. Peter Jahrling, is working for Mr. Geisbert, had been studying the samples. The samples taken from the monkeys have an odd structure one that resembles Ebola. Not knowing what the samples are and how the virus infects its host, the two of them take whiff of the samples. It’s said that if seven days go by then the host wasn't infected. -
The unknown substance is identified as Ebola Zaire
Seven days had passed since Tom Geisbert and Peter Jarhing had smelt the unknown virus. The two of them had shown no symptoms. the lab results had come back to the USARIID. The lab results show that they had in fact been handling a level four( extremely dangerous) hot agent Ebola Zaire. Shocked of the lab results Tom Geisbert calls the Central Disease Control or CDC, to decide on the monkey house located in Reston, Virginia. -
The mission of eliminating Ebola from the Reston Monkey Center begins
After finding that Ebola was the cause of death of the monkeys in room three. The USARIID was sent to take as many samples from the monkeys and executing all the sick looking monkeys. The way they could tell if they were sick was slow moving, not eating, and had a red tint to there eyes. They thought that if they cleansed room three of all monkeys and extracting the sick monkeys from the other four rooms -
The Monkey House falls into the army's hands
After three days and more dying monkeys in each room. The CDC was contacted to help the USARIID with the outbreak of the Ebola virus in the US. The CDC and the USARIID agreed that the CDC would take care of the public. While USARIID takes control of the monkey house -
All life is eradicated from the Monkey House
The USARIID and the CDC decided that after they cleansed room three of the monkey house., but a few months later the Ebola reappeared. The USARIID and the CDC decided that the only way of getting rid of the Ebola was if the five-roomed monkey house was completely eradicated of all life(monkeys). -
Ebola Reston is added as a member to the Ebola family
A new member of the Ebola joins the family. Ebola Zaire being the most dangerous killing ninety percent of the people. Ebola Sudan is the second most lethal. Then Ebola- Ivory Coast is the third. Fourth member is Ebola Bundibugy with the third and fourth Ebola form having the causality rate. The fifth and final form is Ebola- Reston, the Ebola- Reston is only found in primates being the least effective on humans. -
Ebola Reston reappears in the Monkey House
A month later Dan Delgard order a new shipment of monkeys from the Philippines. The shipment of monkeys had a small portion monkeys that had died on the way over from the trip. Dan Delgard did think of Ebola virus but still proceeded to place all the monkeys in the five roomed monkey house. Days later, the employees realized that the monkeys were dying again. Dan Delgard contacted the director of the hot zone virus Tom Geisbert. The USARIID had recently found that the Ebola virus the monkeys hav