John " Father of Probation" Augustus 1785--June 21-1859
In 1841, John Augustus bailed out the first probationer. The offerder was ordered to appear in court three weeks later for sentencing. The man was charged with "common drunkness." -
Augustus bailed out over 1,800 persons in the Boston Courts, making himself liable to the extent of $243,234, and preventing these individuals from being held in jail to await trail -
Juvenile Probation in Massachusette
Massachusetts was the first state to formally adopt a probation law for juveniles. -
Period: to
The Law
37 states, the District of Columbia, and the federal government passed juvenile and adult probation laws. -
No juvenile Probation
Wyoming is the ONLY state at this time without a juvenile probation law -
Juvenile Law
All states have a juvenile probation law -
GO Mississippi!
Mississippi became the last state to pass authorizing legislation. All states have a adult probation law. -
National Level
The National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Golas endoreses more use of probation. -
Community Correction
Minnesota first state to adopt Community Corections Act, by 1995,18 states will follow. -
Martinson's widely publicized research purportedly proving that probation does not work. -
The US deaprtment of Justice conducts the first census of the US probation. -
American Probation and Parole was founded. Wisconsin implements first probation case classification system. -
"System in Crisis"
U.S. Comptroller General's study of US probation concludes it is a system in crisis due to inadequate funding. -
The ISP is claim to reduce recidivism and cost. -
Keep Track
Electronic monitoring of offenders begins in New Mexico, and Flordia conducted an experiment on a much larger level. -
A study of felony probationers that showed a high failure rate was conducted. A later study showed that probation services ans effectiveness vary widely across the nation. -
Government Accounting Office survey all 50 states, and the outcome was all states had adopted an intensive probation program and other intermediate sanction programs. -
Justice Department
Funds a nationwide intensive supervision demonstration and evaluation. -
Evaluations show probation without adequate surveillance and treatment is eneffective, but appropriate programs reduce recidivism. -
The 2003 state statutes reveal that possessing the power of law enforcement/ peace officer is the only new legal proscribed function of probation officers. -
Probation population reaches 4 millions