Jun 15, 1215
Magna Carta
First document forced onto an english king by a group of his subjects
by 19th centuary nearly all its clauses had been repealed in their original form
Its only 4 remaing copies of the original left
http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR5lLR2KB4D9Rmz6A5uPm8URV2Vxmti_N2aW4N2mbjyf7uTjKtedg -
Jan 1, 1500
Mercantilism was the theory of trade espoused by the major European powers
Mercantilism was a reaction against the economic problems
However, mercantilism also led to inflation and alienation in the colonies.
http://13colonies.pppst.com/banner_colonial_mercantilism.gif -
The Virginia company settled Jamestown
Winter of 1609 only 60 of the 214 at jamestown survived
first representative assembly convened at Jamesownn churcg
http://ushistoryimages.com/images/jamestown-colony/fullsize/jamestown-colony-2.jpg -
House of Burgess
The first such assembly held in the Americas
the assembly had 22 members
they would soon assume a major leadership role in the movement toward to independence
http://www.revolutionary-war-and-beyond.com/image-files/patrick-henry-house-of-burgesses.jpg -
Plymouth Colony
puritans settled plymouth
originally intended to settle at the mouth of the Hudson river
economy developed aroude trade in fish and furs
http://ushistoryimages.com/images/plymouth-colony/fullsize/plymouth-colony-4.jpg -
mayflower Compact
All 41 of the adult male members on the Mayflower signed the Compact
the original document is said to be lost
signers believed that covenants were not only to be honored between God and man, but also between each other
http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~mosmd/compact3.jpg -
Fundamental orders of conneticut
features of a written constitutuion
considered by some as the first constitution in the western tradition
there is no record of debates or proceedings of the drafting of enacting of the fundamental orders
http://www.law.uconn.edu/files/u2511/fundamental.jpg -
Culpeper's Rebellion
popular uprising against proprietary rule in the Albemarle section of N.C.
staged a revolt against the Govenor
john culpeper was installed as chief executive and shortly summoned a populaar assembly
http://www.ncmarkers.com/Images/markers/A-21a.jpg -
Glorous revolution
over throw of king James II
also caled the bloodless revolution
the only blood shed was when the king fell down his stairs and broke his nose running from parliament
http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51vcNrzrq7L._SL500_AA300_.jpg -
English bill of Rights
William and Mary Signed The bill of rights
it limits the power s of severiegn and sets out the rights of parliament
The bill of rights is still in effect
http://www.thegloriousrevolution.org/docs/english bill of rights.htm -
Salem Witch Trials
19 men and women were convicted of witch craft
teenage boredom and personal jealousies are to blame for the accusations
it is believed that Betty Parris the starter of the accusations had convulsive ergotism
http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/images/salem1.jpg -
First Great Awakening
Christian revitilization
made christianity intensley personal to the average person by fostering a deep sense of spirtual conviction and redemption
It had little impact on anglicans and the Quakers
http://brothermel.com/images/john_wesley-3.jpg -
French and Indian
Also called the sevens year war
the beginning of open hostilities between the colonies and Gr. Britain. England and France had been building toward a conflict in America since 1689
The final colonial war
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d1/The_Victory_of_Montcalms_Troops_at_Carillon_by_Henry_Alexander_Ogden.JPG/300px-The_Victory_of_Montcalms_Troops_at_Carillon_by_Henry_Alexander_Ogden.JPG -
Proclamation Line
Treaty of paris of 1763 provided Great Britain with Canada and U.S. east of the Mississppi
Line was to seperate whit settlements from Indian country
closed lands North and west of app. mountains to settlers
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/38/Map_of_territorial_growth_1775.svg/220px-Map_of_territorial_growth_1775.svg.png -
pontiac rebellion
loose confederation of elements of native american tribes
war fare was brutal
450 soldires, 2000 civilians killed or captured, 4000 civilians displaced
http://whitmer.wikis.birmingham.k12.mi.us/file/view/pontiac.jpg/91755099/pontiac.jpg -
Comittees of corespondence
shadow governments organized by the patriots leaders of the 13 colonies
formed when crisis would happen
http://www.paul-revere-heritage.com/images/committee-of-correspondence.jpg -
sugar revenue
modified version of the sugar and molasses act
the sugar act reduced the rate of tax on molasses from six pence to three pence per gallon
this act as well as other acts set the stage for revolt
http://img.ehowcdn.com/article-page-main/ehow/images/a07/rm/5i/reasons-sugar-act-1764-800x800.jpg -
sons of liberty
by the end of the year 1765 sons of liberty existed in every colony
most popular objective was to force stamp distributors throughout the colonies to resign
http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRC2PkbUOfSyQjTQb_kUpn2zl-duxuqrse53z6hP9rIx9DvQlFC -
Virginia Resolves
A series of resolutions passed by the general assembly
Patrick henery made a speech to encourage the virginia house of burgess to pass resolutions
no taxation without representation
http://www.revolutionary-war-and-beyond.com/image-files/patrick-henry-house-of-burgesses.jpg -
Stamp Act
The act required the use of stamped paper for legal The greatest impact came through the stamp act riots This was the first time Americans were faced with direct internal tax
http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h642.html Photo:http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/british/images/vc33.jpg -
Townsend Act
an act for granting duties in the british colonies and plantations in America
British trade soon dried up
for every pound weight avoir dupols of tea three pence
http://www.xtimeline.com/__UserPic_Large/1683/ELT200709061741539684242.JPG -
Boston Massacre
Several colonist were killed and this led to a campaign by speech-writers to raise the ire of the citizenry
the riot began when 50 citizens attacked a british sentinel
John Adams and josiah Quincy II defended the british and this led to their aquittal and release
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part2/images/2cris2378b.jpg -
Gaspee Incident
The Gaspee ran aground at a place that is now known as Gaspee Point.
John Brown, planned an attack on the ship
they surrounded and boarded the Gaspee, wounding Duddington and capturing the entire crew
http://gaspee.org/Brownell7a.jpg -
The Tea Act
this would launch the final spark to the revolutionary movement in Boston.
Colonists in Philadelphia and New York turned the tea ships back to Britain
this led to the Boston tea party
http://www.theworldsgreatbooks.com/Acts of Parliament/parliament tea act.jpg -
Boston tea party
the anger was directed towards the government because of the tea ct
they lowered price on the tea so that east india company would have the cheapest tea around
the sons of liberty dumped 342 crates full of tea overboard
http://www.brandykarl.com/pressy/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/boston-tea-party-2007-small.jpg -
Intolerable Act
the port of boston was closed until th olonist paid for destroyed tea
the royal govenor could ban town meetings
accused officials would stand trial in britan instead of massachusetts
http://www.google.com/imgres?q=intolerable+act&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=948&bih=463&tbm=isch&tbnid=k8WDBfsfxpYsSM:&imgrefurl=http://mrberlin.com/intolerableactspowerpointpresentation.aspx&docid=BatUg7lJmmBzAM&imgurl=http://mrberlin.com/images/products/detail/Intolerable_Acts_thumb.1.pn -
First continental Congress
all colonies sent delegates except for Georgia
the first few weeks were consumed with discussion and debates
william hooper joseph hewes and richard caswell were the N.C delgates
http://www.usfca.edu/fac_staff/conwell/revolution/first.jpg -
Edenton Tea Party
political protest in response to the tea act
organized by women
51 women led by Penelope barker
Second Continental congress
Declared independence
majority of the delegates werent seeking independence
Held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
http://www.ushistory.org/us/10e.asp -
mecklenburg Resolves
also called the charlottetown resolves
There is no known original copy
http://www.xtimeline.com/__UserPic_Large/54971/evt100311091500159.gif -
halifax Resolves
empowered N.C. delegates to join other colonies to declare independence
N.C. First to permit delegtes to vote for independence
Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson Wrote it
It has 3 parts to it
at once the nations most cherished document
http://www.thefreemanonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/declaration-of-independence.jpg -
Articles of Confederation
The First Constitution of the United States
Ratification of the Articles by all 13 states did not occur until March 1st 1781
The Articles were weak
http://artba.org/microsites/transovation/wp-content/themes/Minimal/cache/analyze-the-strengths-and-weaknesses-of-the-articles-of-confederation-i4.jpg -
Treaty of Paris of 1783
ended the American revolutionary War between Great Britain
American Congress of Confederation ratified the the treaty on January 14th 1784
british ratification occured on April 9th 1784
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fe/Treaty_of_Paris_by_Benjamin_West_1783.jpg/300px-Treaty_of_Paris_by_Benjamin_West_1783.jpg -
Albany Plan Of Union
proposed by Benjamin Franklin
An early Attempt at forming a union of the colonies
the plan of union served as an inspirational primer for the Articles of confederation
http://www.xtimeline.com/__UserPic_Large/42162/evt091025100600186.jpg -
land ordinance of 1785
laid foundations of land policy until passage of the homestead act of 1862
also significant for establishing a merchanism for funding public education
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR3SOWnXojfJmFAdCMlBCpZggf1qz4l1OZmiKH01B7Wh-32_qGs -
Shays rebellion
Shays Rebellion was named after Daniel shaay a veteran of the American Revolutionary war
The rebels were calle the shaysites
By 1787 one thousand shaysites had been arrested
http://www.rsafilms.com/thumbs/2408/Shays-Rebellion-Americas-First-Civil-War.jpg -
Federalist Anti-federalist papers
a series of articles written under the pen name of Publis
papers was to gain support for the the-proposed constitution
http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSQ7Iz-eaOhzaRD0V9cCkPNWGUqisrsXoFjxpaAtwnd8RF4ZdZOkw -
Land Ordinance of 1787
considered to be one of the most significant achievements of the congress of the confederation
this ordinance accelerated the westward expansion of th United states
 -
Constitutional Convention
met to revise the Articles but wrote the Constitutionwe have today
Elected George Washington to preside over the convention
one of the most significant events in the history of the U.S.
http://americangallery.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/small_washington-as-statesman-at-the-constitutional-convention.jpg -
Whiskey Rebellion
protesters used violence and intimidation to prevent federal officials from collecting the tax
500 armed men attacked the fortified home of tax inspector