Rise and Fall of Ghana

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    Ghana Begins

    Ghana Begins
    Ghana starts after the Soninke began to band together for protection of nomadic herders who wanted to move into the area.
  • Nov 15, 1000

    Wealthy and Powerful

    Wealthy and Powerful
    Ghana at it's height of power under Tunka Manin and became wealthy and powerful. This helped Ghana to keep expanding.
  • Period: Nov 15, 1060 to Nov 15, 1074

    Almoravids Attack

    The Almoravids attack Ghana and after 14 years of fighting, the Almoravids won. They didn't control for long though.
    They weakened the empire and cut off many trade routes causing a lack of money.
  • Nov 15, 1200

    End of Ghana

    End of Ghana
    Invasions, overgrazing and internal rebellion all took part in the fall of Ghana. When rebels took over they realized they couldnt control Ghana and it weakened. After one attack, the empire fell.
  • West African trade routes

    West African trade routes
    Nearly all northern and southern trade routes pass through Ghana increasing trade and wealth. the money supported the army to guard the routes