
Milton Hershey

  • Milton Snavely Hershey is born

    Milton Hershey was born in Derry Church, Pennsylvania.
  • 1st job

    1st job
    Milton gets his 1st candy job in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
  • Owns 1st company

    Owns 1st company
    Milton creates his own candy company.
  • Caremels

    Milton Hershey starts the Lancaster caremel company
  • Milton Marries

    Milton Marries
    Milton marries Catherine Sweeny, Milton calls her kitty
  • Milton starts chocolate

    Milton starts chocolate
    Milton starts the Hershey's Chocolate Factory.
  • park

    Hrshey park opens for tourists.
  • Milton opens school

    Milton opens school
    Milton and Catherine openIndustrial School
  • catherine dies

    catherine dies
    Catherine Hershey dies
  • gives money to school

    gives money to school
    Milton gives a lot of money to his school.
  • Milton dies

    Milton dies
    Milton Hershey dies.