Joseph Peck:World History CPS Nuclear Weapons

  • Theory of Radioactive Decay is published by Ernest Rutherford

    Radioctive Decay
    Ernest Rutherford's discovery of radioactive decay is one of the first steps toward the creation of a nuclear weapon. In 1906, Rutherford's work proposed that the atom's structure is nuclear.
  • Albert Einstein publishes Theory of Relativity. (e=mc^2

    Albert Einstein publishes Theory of Relativity. (e=mc^2
    Albert Einstein's theory of relativity laid the scientific groudwork for the creation of a nuclear weapon. E=MC^2 means Force = Mass x Acceleration. This equation was crucial for the creation of a nuclear reaction.
  • First artificially induced nuclear reaction

    First Nuclear Reaction
    In 1919, Ernest Rutherford was responsible for creating the world's first artificial nuclear reaction. This proved that humans can create a nuclear reaction like that that happens in a star such as the sun. This discovery was essential to the making of a nuclear weapon.
  • Einstein writes letter on the possibility of a uranium weapon
    In his letter to the President, Einstein proposed the idea of a nuclear weapon and the possibility of its destructive capabilities.
  • Manhattan Project Begins

    Manhattan Project Begins
    Manhattan Project
    The Manhattan Project was ythe name for the United States' project of creating a nuclear weapon. This was during World War 2 whenthe German's were also attempting to create a nuclear weapon. The idea of a nuclear reaction as a weapon was proposed by Albert Einstein. The United States knew they had to create a nuclear weapon before the Germans who would have certainly used the weapon to take over the world.
  • United States explodes the world's first nuclear weapon

    United States explodes the world's first nuclear weapon
    Trinity Test
    the Trinity Test was the explosion of the world's first nuclear weapon. In 1945, the United States exploded a nuclear bomb and the nuclear age had officially begun. Once the bomb was detonated, the world would never be the same because now human beings coulod harness a power that could potentially destroy all life on Earth.
  • United States bombs Hiroshima Japan with a nuclear weapon

    United States bombs Hiroshima Japan with a nuclear weapon
    The United States detonates the world's second atomic bomb. This bomb named "Little Boy" was detonated 1900 feet over Hiroshima. The bomb yeilded approximately 15 kilotons of TNT. The bomb killed 100,000 people immedietly and another 145,000 died from the bombing by years end.
  • The world's third nuclear bomb is detonated over Nagasaki Japan

    The world's third nuclear bomb is detonated over Nagasaki Japan
    The United States detonates the world's third atomic bomb, this one over the city of Nagasaki Japan. Nagasaki and Hiroshima were selected as targets because of their high concentration of activities and population. %95 percent of those killed by the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were civilians.
  • Manhattan Project realeses report

    Physicist Henry DeWolf writes the report "Atomic Energy for Military Purposes" which discusses the Manhattan Project and the basics for nuclear physics.
  • Soviet Union Achieves its First Nuclear Chain Reaction

    Using an experimental graphite moderated natural uranium pile, the Soviet Union achieves its first nuclear chain reaction.
  • The United Kingdom has its first nuclear eactor come into operation.

    The United Kingdom has its first nuclear eactor come into operation.
  • Soviet Union Detonates its First Atomic Bomb

    The Soviet Union detonates its first atomic bomb named "Joe 1" at Semipalatinsk in Kazakhstan. This event started the United States to stockpile nuclear weapons and bring the Cold War into full throttle.