
History of DNA

By Orel
  • The Founder, "Gregor Mendel"

    The Founder, "Gregor Mendel"
    Founder of the new science of genetics. Gregor Mendel discovered the fundamental laws of inheritance. Mendel demonstrated that the inheritance of certain traits in pea plants follows particular patterns, now referred to as the laws of Mendelian inheritance. Mendel cultivated and tested some 29,000 pea plants. Mendel's Laws of Heredity are:
    1. The Law of Segregation
    2. The Law of Independent Assortment
    3. The Law of Dominance
  • Friedrich Miescher

    Friedrich Miescher
    He discovered the nucleic acid (DNA) in 1869 with little knowledge. In his past, he was an excellent student despite his shyness and a hearing handicap. He wanted to be a priest, but his father didn't like the idea and Miescher entered medical school instead. He told the world about his nucleic discovery in 1871.
  • Thomas Hunt Morgan

    Thomas Hunt Morgan
    Thomas established the chromosomal theory of inheritance. He received the Nobel Prize for Medicine for his work in establishing the chromosomal theory of inheritance. He shared the prize money with his children.
  • Rediscovering Mendel's Law

    Rediscovering Mendel's Law
    Hugo de Vries, Carl Correns, and Erick von Tschermak-Seysenegg were looking through a microscope and thought they discovered something new, but they just rediscovered Mendel's law because they used a microscope.
  • Muller and the X-ray experiment

    Muller discovered that there were some fruit flies that looked different, he then discovered that x-rays damage chromosomes and he thinks it has something to do with mutation.
  • Genetics of Fruit flies

    Genetics of Fruit flies
    It started when Thomas Morgan discovered that fruit flies had different eye color at some times of the year. He then found out about mutation and crossed the male with the "wild type" and the female, "red eye."
  • Herman Joseph Muller

    Herman Joseph Muller
    Muller showed that X-rays could induce mutations. In the 1920s, Muller performed his Nobel prize-winning research showing that X-rays could induce mutations and he became instantly famous. Muller used his fame to caution against the indiscriminate use of X-rays in medicine, but despite his warnings, some physicians even prescribed X-rays to stimulate ovulation in sterile women.
  • Marshall Warren Nirenburg

    Marshall Warren Nirenburg
    He was born on New York, and later on in life moved to Orlando,Florida when he was 12. In 1948, he graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor's degree. He stayed in college to get a Master's degree in Zoology. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for breaking the Genetic Code with the help of Har Khorana.
  • Barbara McClintock

    Barbara McClintock
    An American scientist and one of the world's most distinguished cytogeneticists. She began investigating the effects of X-rays on corn chromosomes, which led to her discovery of translocations, inversions, deletions and ring chromosomes in corn.
  • Frank Griffith

    Frank Griffith
    He pointed out that DNA is a molecule of inheritance. He experimented on several mouses and two types of pneumonia, virulent(deadly) and non-virulent(not deadly). He would inject one mouse with the virulent pneumonia, which died after injection, and another with the non-virulent lived on.
  • Edward Lawre Tatum

    Edward Lawre Tatum
    Tatum chose intellectual challenge over money. He spent the first few years in Beadle's lab isolating and identifying the "substances" involved in Drosophila eye color determination – an extension of Beadle's earlier work. Tatum went on to study genetics in bacteria. He was using the Neurospora strategy to find genetic mutants in bacteria. He used Escherichia coli strain K12 from the Stanford collections. At the time, K12 was not the most common E. coli strain in use
  • Joshua Lederburg

    Joshua Lederburg
    Lederberg became interested in Beadle's and Tatum's Neurospora experiments, which opened up new and exciting research possibilities especially in the fledgling field of genetic analysis. At that time, Lederberg had the results he needed to prove bacterial conjugation occurred. ederberg had two other interests. One was artificial intelligence; Lederberg helped develop one of the first computer systems that could make decisions using a specific set of algorithms and a database. Lederberg
  • Conjugating Bacteria

    Conjugating Bacteria
    The scientist, Joshua Lederburg, and Edward Tatum, were very exited about the possiblities of the transforming ability of DNA. They later found out that its the transfer of genetic material between bacterial cells by direct cell-to-cell contact or by a bridge-like connection between two cells.
  • James Dewey Watson

    James Dewey Watson
    Watson knew that DNA was the key to understanding life and he was determined to solve its structure. Watson has played a significant role in the development of science policy, from the War on Cancer, through the debates over the use of recombinant DNA with the help of his partner, Francis Crick.
  • DNA's true look

    DNA's true look
    Dr James Watson, Professor Francis Crick, Dr Rosalind Franklin, and Professor Maurice Wilkins, discovered the double helix structure of DNA.
  • Francis Harry Compton Crick

    Francis Harry Compton Crick
    A co-discoverer of the structure of the DNA molecule. Crick was an important theoretical molecular biologist and played a crucial role in research related to revealing the genetic code. Crick was witness to the kinds of errors that his co-workers made in their failed attempts to make a correct molecular model of the α helix.
  • Triple-stranded helix

    Triple-stranded helix
    Linus Pauling proposed to the world the triple-stranded helix. Its a structure of DNA in which three oligonucleotides wind around each other and form a triple helix. Triple-stranded DNA was also described in 1957.
  • The Double Helix by Watson and Crick

    The Double Helix by Watson and Crick
    James and Francis published the first accurate picture of the DNA molecule. The two scientist were really interested in finding out what the DNA structure looked like. It was published instead by Atheneum in the USA and Weidenfeld and Nicholson in the UK.
  • The Genetic Code

    The Genetic Code
    Marshall Nirenburg the help with his group and another group called Har Khorana's, were able to crack the genetic code. Nirenberg and his group deciphered the entire genetic code by matching amino acids to synthetic triplet nucleotides.
  • The change

    The change
    The scientist, "Barbara McClintock" discovery that genes are able to change position on chromosomes. She was awarded a Nobel Prize for this amazing discovery.