The birth of Frederick Douglass
He was born with the name Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey. Frederick Douglass himself does not now his birthday, but he believes it was around 1818 or 1819. Harriet Bailey is his mother, and he is not sure of his father, but he believes it is his master, Aaron Anthony. -
He was sent to Baltimore to live with Hugh and Sophia.
He was sent to live with the Aulds. Later, his master Aaron A. dies, and he is the property of his son-in-law. He is sent back to Hugh Auld. This happens later after he is sent back to Maryland. -
Sophia teaches him to read.
Sophia teaches him to read The Bible. Hugh her husband stops her, he thinks it will make him rebellious. -
Reads about Anti-slavery movements.
He reads about John Quincy Adam's anti-slavery petitions in congress. He learns about abolitionist movement. -
Trys to teach his friends how to read but is stopped.
He is sent to St. Michaels and teaches his fellows how to read, but Thomas Auld stops him. -
Escape plan
Makes a plan sao he can escape to freedom, he is caught and then jailed. He is sent to Baltimore. -
Anna Murray is met by Douglass.
Frederick marries Anna Murray. It is performed by a escaped Maryland slave. Also, they stay with Mary and Nathan Johnson. He changes his last name from Johnson to Douglass, after the character from Lady of the Lake. -
William and Douglass meet.
Douglass speaks at a anti-slavery meeting. He speaks and then William Lloyd Garrison speaks after him. -
The Life of Frederick is published into a book.
People did not believe he was a slave. Frederick publishes his life story into a narrative. -
Frederick dies of heart attack.
Frederick dies suddenly that evening while talking to his new wife, Helena Pitts.