
FCS History

  • Catharine Beecher

    Catharine Beecher
    Catharine Beecher contributes to the domestic science movement by writing her "Treatise on Domestic Economy"
  • Period: to

    FCS History

  • First Morrill Act

    First Morrill Act
    First Morrill Act is passed, providing federal lands to the states to be sold to support colleges of agriculture and mechanical arts.
  • Kansas and Richards

    Kansas and Richards
    Kansas State begins it's domestic economy curriculum. Ellen Richards is granted a Bachelor of Science by MIT, the first woman. Vassar awards her a Master's degree based on her scientific thesis. She is the first woman to earn an advance science degree.
  • The Chemistry for Cooking and Cleaning

    The Chemistry for Cooking and Cleaning
    Ellen Richards publishes The Chemistry for Cooking and Cleaning: A Manual for Housekeepers.
  • Boston public schools

    Boston public schools
    Domestic courses introduced into the public school system in Boston.
  • The Hatch Act and Water Quality

    The Hatch Act and Water Quality
    The Hatch Act is passed, providing $15,000 a year for state established agricultural experiment stations. Ellen Richards Conducts the Great Sanitary Survey that modernized municpial sewerage treatment and develops the first water purity tables and water quality standards.
  • The Second Morrill Act

    The Second Morrill Act
    The Second Morrill Act is passed, providing futher funding for black student colleges.
  • The World Columbian Exposition

    The World Columbian Exposition
    The World Columbian Exposition in Chicago, the Rumford Kitchen of "Science of nutrition."
  • School Lunch

    School Lunch
    First nutirtional lunch school program in Bostom by Ellen Richards.
  • Lake Placid Conference and Childcare

    Lake Placid Conference and Childcare
    The first Lake Placid conference that began the creation of the American Home Economics Association. This was the very first association meeting. Childcare and an emphasis on promoting a more enduring type of family life becomes a focus in home economics.
  • Education beyond 8th Grade

    Education beyond 8th Grade
    State support grows for practical education beyond the 8th grade. Secondary education expands to include vocational education
  • Girl's Tomato club AHEA

    Girl's Tomato club AHEA
    The first girl's tomato club (4-H) organized by Marie Cromer a teacher, through Agricultural Extension. American Home Economics Assocation is established.
  • Ellen Richards dies

    Ellen Richards dies
  • The Smith-Lever Act

    The Smith-Lever Act
    Two white women become home demonstration agents in South Carolina, after which, (in 1914) the Smith-Lever Act passed. The act specified the creation of the Agriculture Extension Service to provide farm women with education in home economics and men with education in agriculture.
  • Smith-Hughes Act

    Smith-Hughes Act
    The Smith-Hughes Act is passed, establishing federal support for vocational education.
  • Maintain Instruction

    Maintain Instruction
    AHEA sets goals to establish and maintain instruction in elements of home management for elementary and high school girls and appropriate home economics instruction for boys.
  • American Consumption Education

    American Consumption Education
    1917-1919: As part of the war effort, home economists teach the nation the rules of substitution to increase the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, which could not be shipped abroad to soldiors during WWI.
  • American Association of Land-Grant Colleges, and parenting

    American Association of Land-Grant Colleges, and parenting
    The Home Economic section is added to the American Assosiation of Land-Grant Colleges Parenting classes for men and women are encouraged.
  • Childcare in curriculum

    Childcare in curriculum
    Childcare recognized as a key element in the home economics curriculum.
  • Food corporations employ economists

    Food corporations employ economists
    Food corporations begin employing home economists to create recipes and nutritional information for other home economists in the classroom.
  • Respect for home economist

    Respect for home economist
    Home economist in the state become accepted by the public as experts in human nutrition.
  • Agnes Faye Morgan

    Agnes Faye Morgan
    Agnes Faye Morgan, chair of the Department of Home Economics at U of California, Berkeley, is appointed to serve on President Roosevelt's First Nutrition Congress.
  • USDA

    The USDA Bureau of Home Economics becomes the Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics.
  • 1960's

    Integration of black and whites Feminists criticize scientific experts in home economics for fostering restrictive roles for women Specialized programs emerge
  • Undergraduate programs

    Undergraduate programs
    Accreditation of undergraduate programs in home economics begins.
  • Florence Low

    Florence Low
    Racial tension acknowledged within the organization, Florence Low sets out to eliminate.
  • Vocational Education Act

    Vocational Education Act
    gainful employment outside of the home. Vocational education is taught in schools.
  • Vocational Education Act amended

    Vocational Education Act amended
    Vocational Education Act amended to include handicapped and disadvantaged students.
  • Lake Placid

    Lake Placid
    The eleventh Lake Placid Conference is held to develop consensus among members
  • males

    Home economists begin to gear its work seriously towards males - Vocational Education Act
  • Project 2000

    Project 2000
    AHEA launched Project 2000 - enhancing programs to meet the diversity needs.
  • Conference at Cornell

    Conference at Cornell
    Cornell University sponsors a conference entitled "Rethinking Women and Home Economics in the 20th Century"
  • Name change Recommended

    Name change Recommended
    Scottsdale meeting recommends name change
  • Name Changes!

    Name Changes!
    Name changes from Home Economics to Family and Consumer Sciences
  • Struggles in Public Schools

    Struggles in Public Schools
    Association membership begins to decrees and FCS programs struggle to stay in public schools.
  • Celebration

    100-year celebration held nationally for the organization of AAFCS
  • BYU-Idaho!!!

    First Lake Bonneville Summit held at BYU-Idaho to commemorate and generate positive professional networks in the southeast Idaho area.