
Classical Era

  • Period: to

    Johann Sebastian Bach

    There are over 1000 composition made by bach. One of his main works was Cantana which was one peice he remade over 249 times. ONe of his final peices was Quolibit with was comprised of a chorus and continuo.
  • Period: to

    Micheal Blavet

    He made his way as being an avid flutist to the great composer he became. one of his works include the minuet and another would be Musica ad Rhenum.
  • Period: to

    Luigi Vanvitelli

    Luigi Vanvitelli was an Italian engineer and architect.He designed the Royal Palace in Naples in 1753, and he designed the "Aqueduct of Vanvitelli" 1753-1762, which brought water to many of the fountains and the cascades. Earlier in his career he designed the facade of Palazzo Poli behind the Trevi Fountain, which today is still a huge tourist attraction in Italy. His designs are very detail oriented, and have a sense of drama in them.
  • Period: to

    Alessandro Bessozi

    Alessandro Besozzi was an Italian oboist and composer, was a member of the band of the Irish Guard from 1714 to 1728, after which he became virtuoso oboe for the Duke of Farnese until 1731. Sonata No. 1 in D Major, and Sonata No. 2 in G Major were among his famous works.
  • Period: to

    War of Spanish Succession

    Fight to unify France and Spain under one monarch.
  • Period: to

    Johann Ernst Eberlin

    Johann was a German composer and organist whose works were in both the baroque and classical eras. Missa c and Dixit Dominus are two of ebelin's pieces.
  • The 47 Ronin Event

    47 Samurai attack a Japanese Shogun in a attack to avenge thier master. Mitford, Algernon Bertram Freeman-Mitford. Tales of Old Japan. London: 1871.
  • Comet predicted to appear

    English astrnomer Edmond Halley predicts the next time that the comet he has been observing will again appear in the skies of Earth. Upon being correct, the comet he predicted was named Halley's Comet. Lancaster-Brown, P. Halley & His Comet. Blandford Press, 1985.
  • Period: to

    Carlo Cecere

    Was a mandolin player himself and played between the baroque era and the classical era.two of his works include concert in a major largo, and Grazioso
  • Period: to

    Carl Phillipp Emanual Bach

    In 1731 he matriculated in law at the University of Leipzig. A couple of his works, Die Israeliten in der Wüste (1769), and Die letzten Leiden des Erlösers (1770).
  • Period: to

    Etienne Maurice Falconet

    Etienne was a French rococo style sculptor. He is known for creating small sculptures of mythological creatures including "Venus and Cupid" in 1757. In 1766 Catherine II paid him to create a bronze equestrian statue of Peter the Great for St. Petersburg, it was dedicated in 1782. It is one of the most influential horse statues of his time. His work is a mix between the classical style reguarding the figures, and the rococo style with the lighthearted detail/ ornamentation.
  • Nonreligious foreign books allowed in Japan

    Shogun Yoshimune allows the importation and translation of nonreligious Western books and thereby starting a development of western studies. Nussbaum, Louis Frederic. Japan Encyclopedia. Cambridge, 2005.
  • Period: to

    Suzuki Harunobu

    Suzuki Harunobo was a master of Japanese wood block printing. He popularized color printing, called brocade painting. His most influential works were images put into calendars called Ukiyo-e and "Two Girls" which was created around 1750. Suzuki is mostly known for his delicate style and use of color. He also subtly adds pattern for elegance. (Birth and death dates are guessed).
  • Fareheit scale proposed

    Physicist Daniel Gabriel Farenheit proposes a new temperature scale. Balmer, Robert. Modern Engineering. Academic Press, 2000.
  • Period: to

    Antonio Brioschi

    Brioschi is th composer of the works Largo Staccato, and Larghetto. He worked in or near Milan and yet his symphonies were disseminated widely outside of Italy in the eighteenth century.
  • Period: to

    Jean Baptiste Greuze

    He is a French genre and portrait painter, as well as an engraver. He is best known for "The Broken Pitcher", which is in the Louvre and "Girl with Doves", which is in London.
  • Period: to

    Karl Blank

    The days of his birth are not known, but guessed at. Karl Blank was a Russian architect, known as one of the last baroque style architects. He started using the neoclassical style in his buildings later in life. His most influential works are the Moscow Orphanage and the Ukrainian palace of Kachanovka. The orphanage is rectangular, with little ornamentation on the facqade, and has a dome in the center with a chapel on top.
  • Period: to

    Yury Matveyevich Felten

    Yury Felten was a German immigrant to Russia, where he was a successful architect to Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia. His most important works are the Church of Saint John at Chesme Palace (which looks like a princess' castle), and the cast-iron grille of the Summer Garden (1783), even though it was an entrance way it was very elaborate for its time.
    (Birth and Death dates unknown).
  • The colony of Georgia is founded

    The last colony to be established, Georgia was given over to the crown, making it a Crown Colony. London, Bonnie. Georgia and the American Experience. Atlanta: Clairmont press, 2005.
  • Period: to

    Joseph Haydn

    At the age of 5 he was taught the violin. After his voice broke in 1749, he was relieved of his job at St. Stevens. Two of his works include paris symphony (1785), and seven last words of christ (1786).
  • Period: to

    Jean-Honore Fragonard

    Jean-Honore Fragonard was a French painter and printmaker. He was the founder of the rococo style, which was dramatically different from the classical style. The paintings used light airy colors, and mostly depicted the aristocrats during their leisure time. His most notable works include "The Swing" (c. 1766) and "Blind Man's Bluff" (1760). He was commisioned by many wealthy patrons, which explains the whimsical feeling of the scenes he paints. His works have inspired some impressionists.
  • Russia begins to settle Alaska

    Russian fur traders sail to Alaska from Siberia for better hunting grounds. Taylor, Alan. American Colonies: The Settling of North America. New York: Penguin Books, 2001.
  • Period: to

    Luigi Boccherini

    He learned to play the chello and well as the flute. He lived under royal patronage, some of his favorite works include; minuet, and Procession of the military night watch in madrid.
  • Period: to

    Francisco Goya

    Francisco Goya is a Spanish painter and engraver. He painted a span of topics from the royal family, to everyday life scenes, to war. His most famous works are the "Caprichos" series created about 1797 after he became deaf, and the portraits of "Charles the IV of Spain and His Family" (1800) in which he poses them in an everyday manner. His style changes throughout his career, but he shows hints of the classical model. He painted one of the first nudes shown publicly with pubic hair showing.
  • College of New Jersey Founded

    Now called Princeton university, the college was meant to train ministers that were dedicated to their faith. "Princeton University - Princeton's History." Accessed February 8, 2012.
  • The Roman city of Pompeii excavated

    Spanish Military Engineer Rocque Joaquin de Alcubierre leads the excavation of Pompeii after it is discovered by workers digging the foundations of a new summer palace for the King of Naples. Ozgenel, Lale. "A Tale of Two Cities: In Search For Ancient Pompeii and Herculanum." . (accessed February 7, 2012).
  • Period: to

    Jacques Louis David

    Jacques Louis David was a French artist known for leading the Neoclassical movement. The inspiration for his work was Roman classical models. He was involved with the French Revolution, and was imprisoned twice for his role in it. He is known for his works "Oath of the Horatii" created in 1784, and "Death of Socrates" created in 1788. Eventually in 1804 he became court painter for Napoleon the First.
  • Period: to

    Antonio Saleri

    At the age of 16, Salieri was taken to Vienna by F.L. Gassmann, the imperial court composer and music director.The Magic Flute, Three Violin Sonatas, Op. 12 (1797) wer among two of his peices.
  • Period: to

    Muzio Clementi

    Born in Rome, Italy was a pianist and composer; refered by some the father of the piano. Two of his works would include lagato and Gradus Ad Parnassum.
  • Benjamin Franklin Invents and test the first lightning rod

    Benjamin Franklin Invents and test the first lightning rod
    Many people might think that Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity by flying a kite on a stormy night but actually that is not true. First of all there was no kite or key involved in his experiment, there was a well build and grounded lightning rod that Franklin had created. Second of all Franklin wasnt the one that went out in the storm to perform the experiment that was a retired French man
    Krider, Philip E. "Benjamin Franklin and Lightning Rods." Academic Search Premiere, 1 Jan. 2006. Web.
  • Period: to

    Kitagawa Utamaro

    Kitagawa is a Japanese printmaker. He is famous for his exotic images of Japanese women. One of his famous works created in 1798vis "Ase o fuku onna" which is a wood print of woman wiping her forehead.This image has very selective little splashes of color. The line work and patterns add interest to it. The most interesting image is "One Hundred Stories of Demons and Spirits" which shows a prevalence of Asian legends in the art world. His women have the traditional slanted eyes and small lips.
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

    Fight between Great Britain and France for control over the Upper Ohio Valley. If the British Empire had control over the Valley then it was open for trade and settlement by the Virginians. However, the French and Native American alliances dominated the area.
  • Samuel Johnson publishes the first English language dictionary

    Samuel Johnson publishes the first English language dictionary
    He wrote the book basically by himself. He had help from his assistant but only to copy quotes. "Guide to Johnson The Dictionary." Rutgers-Newark: The State University of New Jersey. Web. 07 Feb. 2012.
  • Period: to

    Gilbert Stuart

    Gilbert Stuart was an American painter. He actually painted the image of George Washington in 1796 that is now on the dollar bill! The interesting part is that the work was actually never finished. The American Revolution interrupted his work. The "Landsdown Portrait" was also very popular, the White House has a copy, and most of the states have one in their capitol building. He painted portraits of very influential people, which explains his long lasting success.
  • Period: to

    wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

    at the age of three mozart began to play the piano and before he died the age 35 he created as many as 600 works. Two of which include; Cosi fan tutte (1790), La finta semplice (1768).
  • Period: to

    William Blake

    William Blake was a poet and an artist. He had training within the art field in the classical style, which he rejected. At the age of ten he attended the best drawing school, and by 14 he was apprenticing to become an engraver. He had 2 novels of poerty that he engraved- entitled "Songs of Innocence and Experience" and part 2 called "Songs of Innocence and of Experience Showing the Two Contrary States of the Human Soul." Eventually he became the greatest engraver in English history.
  • Industrial Revolution Begins

  • Period: to

    John Opie

    John Opie was an English was a painter who is known for his portraiture and historical paintings. He followed the classical style taught in the Royal Academy of Art. He became famous by painting the court of King George III. Then he created works like "Assination of James I" and "Murder of Rizzio," which were of high importance in history at that point.
  • James Watts Improves steam engine

    James Watts Improves steam engine
    James Watts imrovement to the steam engine was he found a way for the stream to condense in a different area than the pistions that ran the machine. This increased in efficency drastically by up to 75 percent. Spear, Brian. "Steam Engine. Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition, 11/1/2011." Academic Search Premiere. Mar. 2008. Web. 6 Feb. 2012.
  • Stamp Act takes effect in the colonies

    An act passed by King George the 3rd where any and all printed materials must be on paper that was produced in London. This paper would carry a stamp that would signify that the paper was "legal".
  • Stamp Act Repealed

    Parliament decides to repeal the Stamp Act with the king in agreement. Miller, John. Origins of the American Revolution.
  • Joseph Priestley invents soda-water

    Joseph Priestley invents soda-water
    Joseph moved next store to a brewery in England and became interested in the science behind drinks. He began doing experiments and discovered that when he put water over fermenting alcohol that it had a distinct taste. This was thought to be the first type of soda water Mattson, Bruce, and Emily Saunder. "Carbonated Beverages - Priestley's Soda Water." Department of Chemistry, Creighton University. Web. 8 Feb. 2012.
  • Edward Jenner developes smallpox vaccination

    Edward Jenner developes smallpox vaccination
    Throughout the 1700’s smallpox had killed thousands of people. A man named Edward Jenner said at a young that he would never have smallpox. He work throughout his life to find a cure or prevention for the disease, and in May of 1769 he did. He took skill samples from an infected person and introduced it to a young boy. After developing a minor fever then introducing the boy to the disease he did not catch it. Riedel, Stefan. "Edward Jenner and the History of Smallpox and Vaccination." Baylor He
  • Boston Massacre

    Conflicts emerged between the British soldiers that were quartered in Boston and the local workers and sailors. A mob formed and the soldiers opened fire, killing 5. Encyclopedia Britannica, s.v. "Boston Massacre" accessed February 08, 2010,
  • Period: to

    Ludwig Van Beethoven

    A tormented genius, who went deaf in later life; and considered one of trhe great composers with unrivaled peices.Some of which are Symphony 1-9 and Mooonlight Sonata.
  • Treaty of Kiakhta

    A treaty between Russia and China, it put the extent of the relationship between the two countries into writing. It involved defining the border, the procedures to deal with fugitives, and the nature of commerce between the Russian and Chinese traders. Widmer, Eric. The Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Peking During the Eighteenth Century. Cambridge: 1976.
  • Period: to

    Joseph Mallord William Turner

    Joseph Mallord William Turner was well known for his outide scenery paintings including ships on water. His early successes were "Fishermen at Sea" (shown in 1796 at the Royal Academy) and "Tintern Abbey" in 1795, that showed his knowledge of landscape painting. Later in his career he was considered one of the best English painters.
  • Davind Bushnell Invents the Submarine

    Davind Bushnell Invents the Submarine
    Davind called his invention the Turtle because he thought it looked like a turtle. It was 7 feet tall and 6 feet wide and made out of wood reinforced with metal. His plan was to use it to attach mines to enemy ships. "Inventor of the Week: Archive." MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Web. 07 Feb. 2012.
  • Declaration of Independence signed

    A document that declared to the British Empire that the 13 colonies considered themselves independent. Accessed February 8, 2012.
  • Louis-Sébastien Lenormand first recorded public jump with a Parachut

    Louis-Sébastien Lenormand first recorded public jump with a Parachut
    Louis had the first public recorded jump in the summer of 1783 in a city in france. Ten years after his first test a man names Jean-Pierre Blanchard used a parachute much likes Louis when his hot air balloon failed during an attemp to travel to America. Canbolat, Fatih M. "Parachute Industry & Its Dynamics." Suleyman Demirel University. Web. 7 Feb. 2012.
  • First Hot Air Balloon Demonstration With Living Animals

    First Hot Air Balloon Demonstration With Living Animals
    They has a demonstration for Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette where the filled the balloon with 3 barn animals. The balloon was in the air for 8 minutes and traveled 2 miles. "Joseph and Jacques Montgolfier." Web. 07 Feb. 2012.
  • Benjamin Franklin Invents Bifocal Glasses

    Benjamin Franklin Invents Bifocal Glasses
    Benjamin Franklin had problems seeing far and close. He began getting tired of changing glasses so often he decided to find away to only need one pair. So he intevented the biforcals, they had two different lenses on them. Gennaro, Arthur De. "Lenses with Vision." Academic Search Premier. EBSCO, 15 Oct. 2010. Web. 6 Feb. 2012.
  • Guillotine was created

    Guillotine was created
    During the early 1700's when people were sent to be executed they were usually decapitated by a axe. This was never painless and many times took many attempts to cut the head off. But in 1789 Doctor Joseph Ignace Guillotin made a device that would make the execution "painless" Sage, Adam. "Dr Guillotin: Many Dead, but He Meant Well." Academic Search Premier. EBSCO, 24 Nov. 2004. Web. 6 Feb. 2012.
  • Claude Chappe demonstration of the telegraph

    Claude Chappe demonstration of the telegraph
    This first type of telegraph was known as a Synchronized Telegraph. They were basically modified pendulum clocks. This experiment was performed by Claude Chappe and his brother. Victor, Jones R. "Optical Telegraphy." Harvard, 1 Nov. 2005. Web. 7 Feb. 2012.
  • Period: to

    Theodore Gericault

    Theodore Gericault was a French painter and graphic artist. He is considered one of the leaders of the Romantic movement in art, which emphasized facial emotions, and dramatic poses. His figures are similar to Raphael and Michelangelo's. He was very young still in our timespan, but he really influenced many works in the future. His best known for "The Raft of The Medusa," which is a huge scandal about shipwrecked sailors who resort to cannibalism to survive.
  • Jean Pierre Blanchard make the first aerial voyage in the New World

     Jean Pierre Blanchard make the first aerial voyage in the New World
    Jean Pierre made the first trip to the New World in a hot air ballon. A large crowed formed to watch him take off and they even sold tickets for 2 dollars Glines, C. V. "FIRST IN AMERICA'S SKIES." Academic Search Premier. EBSCO, 11 Nov. 2011. Web. 4 Feb. 2012.
  • Eli Whitney gets Patent for Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney gets Patent for Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitney invented the first cotton gin in 1794. The cotton gin helped to make cotton much cheaper and easier to harvest. Since the cotton was easier to harvest it became much more popular. And since the machine did all the work there was less need for slaves Woods, Robert O. "The Turn of the Crank Started the Civil War." Academic Search Premier. EBSCO, 1 Sept. 2009. Web. 4 Feb. 2012.
  • Period: to

    White Lotus Rebellion in China

    A protest by the impoverished settlers of the Northern mountains against taxes led by the secret White Lotus Society. It was crushed because it was outnumbered by the Qing soldiers. Spence, Jason. The Search for Modern China. W.W. Norton, 1991.
  • Period: to

    Franz Schubert

    Austrian composer whose works ranged in the Classical and Romantic music, melody and harmony in his songs.The Devil's Palace of Desire (1813-1815); The Looking-glass Knight (1812) include some of his.
  • Count Alessandro Volta invents the battery

    Count Alessandro Volta invents the battery
    Made first battery inside a pipe after seeing how frogs move after they are already dead. Clare College. "Alessandro Volta, Conte. Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition, 11/1/2011." Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 3 Feb. 2012.

    The loom worked by placing postcards with holes inside the loom. Whenever the needle would hit a hole it would go through and thread the fabric. This advance in technology triggered ideas for punch cards and use of binary system. "Joseph Marie Jacquard: Biography of Joseph Marie Jacquard." History, Mythology, Ben Franklin, Latin Translations, Earthquakes... Web. 08 Feb. 2012.
  • Period: to

    Johannes Brahmz

    hs first piano performance at the age of 15. Accepts position as Director of Court Concerts and Choral Society for the Prince of Lippe-Detmold in 1854. Two of his works include, the Hungarian Song and Fantasia.