
Cell Phone history

  • the first person to communicate

    the first person to communicate
    1865 - Dr. Mahlon Loomis of Virginia, a dentist, may have been the first person to communicate through wireless via
  • when where cell phones invented?

    when where cell phones invented?
    cell phones1973. martin cooper
  • cell phones

    cell phones
    cell phones1977 - Cell phones go public
  • pager

    25th Feb, 1980
    1982"s pager
  • wireless cell phone

    wireless cell phone
    brick was the first wireless cell phone in 1984
  • the first touch screen

    the first touch screen
    the first touch screenwas build in 1993
  • Iphone 3G

    Iphone 3G
    Iphone 3G was launched they started sailing them
  • iphone 4s

    iphone 4s
    iphone 4s the iphone 4s was the first iphone with siri the pgone where it talked to the person and has icloud
  • samsung galaxy s4

    samsung galaxy s4
    samsung galaxy s4
    Samsung Smart Scroll, Samsung Smart Pause, Air Gesture,
    Air View
  • IPhone 5C

    IPhone 5C
    iphone5cthe IPhone 5c is a colorful iphone the most one that actually has color the other ones where only n black or white.