South Pass
jed smith found a flat route through the rockies which was safe for wagons -
Joseph Smith founded mormons (church of jesus christ of the latter day saints) first book published -
Sodbuster- john deer
very strong plow that didnt break -
Period: to
Population boom in the West
14,000 in 1830 - 353,000 in 1840 -
The Permanent Indian Fronteir
Ecenomic Depression
Pre Emption Bill
if you worked hard on the land foro 5 years you could buy it at minimum price with no competition -
Fort Bridger
jim bridger build fort bridger as a safe place to top up supplies -
Great Migration
Oregon Trail Printed
government printed john fremonts mapping of the trail -
Joseph Smith (mormon leader) killed
Manifest Destiny - John O'Sullivan
Mormons establish Salt Lake City
Brigham Young takes mormons west -
Gold in California
james marshall discovered gold in california -
Gold rush
gold rush in california -
Fort Laramie Treaty
Railway survey
US government pay for survey for a possible railway across america -
Railway built from EAst Coast to Missisippi
Gold in Colorado & failure of Fort Laramie Treaty
Period: to
Civil War
Pacific Railways act
Congress passed the Pacific Railway act which said a railway would be built across america -
Homesteaders Act
160 acers after 5 years work -
Little Crows War
Abolishion of the Slave Trade
Sand Creek Massacre
General Chivvington -
Ranching on the Plains
John iliff begins ranching on the plains -
Fettermans Trap
Red Clouds War
Jospeh McCoy set up abiline where a cow was worth 10 times as much as in texas. -
Medicine Lodge Creek Meeting
Period: to
Peak time Cow Towns
4 million cows pass through cow towns -
2nd Fort Laramie Treaty
Red Cloud= great Sioux reservation
Black Hills & Bighorn Mountains
Briiken in 1876 shows whites broke treaties -
Battle of the River Washington
Transcontinental Railway complete
Goodnight ranches on the plains
Timber culture Act
160 acers if 40 acers were planted with trees -
Barbed wire- Jospeh Glidden
Wind pump- Daniel Haliday
Battle of little Big Horn
General Custer, Black Hills, Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, Indian Victory -
Desert land act
640 acers of land in an area with low rainfall -
OK corral
fight between- wyatt earp, virgil earp, morgan earp, doc holliday, sheriff john behan and outlaws ike clanton, phineas clanton, billy clanton, tom mcclaury, frank mcclaury -
Terrible Winter
1886-87 killed off many cattle -
Daws Act
End of the open range
End of Indian Resisistance
Battle of Wounded Knee
Johnson County War