World war ii opening title

Abarca- Rise of Totalitariasm

By jabarca
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    This was a treaty that brought peace after WWI. It cut all bad ties between Germany and the allies.
  • Hitler invades the Soviet Union - Stalin

    Hitler invades the Soviet Union - Stalin
    Hitler sends his troops out to invade the Soviet Union. This would later make the Soviet Union extremely angry and would make them join the war.
  • March on Rome- Mussolini

    March on Rome- Mussolini
    On that day, 3000 'black shirts' marched to Rome's capital. They demanded that Mussolini be put in charge.
  • Stalin's First 5 Year Plan- Stalin

    Stalin's First 5 Year Plan- Stalin
    Joseph Stalin creates a 5 year plan that includes economic goals that will improve or ameliorate the country. It repeats every five years.
  • Period: to

    Nazi Groups Form

  • The Great Purge- Stalin

    The Great Purge- Stalin
    Stalin sent out a new order. Everyone who opposed him was to be killed.
  • Announcement of Fascist Empire- Mussolini

    Announcement of Fascist Empire- Mussolini
    Benito Mussolini gladly announces to a cheering crowd that Italy has now become a fascist empire. This ended up worrying the emperor of Ethiopia.
  • Nazi- Soviet Pack Signed

    Nazi- Soviet Pack Signed
    Hitler and Stalin join forces. They have dark plans to take over
  • Start of World War 2- Hitler

    Start of World War 2- Hitler
    This was the beggining of such a tragic war. Hitler (represented Germany) ended up luring many other countries into it, hence it being called a world war.
  • Period: to

    World War 2

  • Mussolini joins forces with Hitler- Mussolini

    Mussolini joins forces with Hitler- Mussolini
    Mussolini decides to get together with Hitler. They wanted to make their countries the rulers/ superior ones. By combining their brains and plans they would eventually take over the world.
  • Hitler declares war on US

    Hitler declares war on US
    Hitler attacks the US. He wants to get them in the war.
  • World War 2 ends- Hitler

    World War 2 ends- Hitler
    This devastating war is finally ended. Many of the countries involved lost so much, especially Germany. They were one of the most affected yet most violent.