
Gary Kildall Timeline

  • His birthday

    His birthday
    He was born in Seattle Washington, where he also grew up.
  • School life

    School life
    He went to the University of Washington, to become a math teacher, but after learning more and more about math he found hiself becoming more interested in Computer Technology.
  • After college

    After college
    After college he had a draft obligation, to the United States Navy. He had to teach in Monterey, CA. Right near Silicon Valley
  • After the Navy

    After the Navy
    Later on he returned to the University of Washington and finished his doctorate in computer science in 1972.
  • First high level programming

    First high level programming
    In 1973 he developed the first high level programming language for processors called PL/M
  • Bill Gates

    Bill Gates
    In 1980 Bill Gates asked Gary Kildall to sign over some of his inventions. But he declined for fear he wouldn't receive a residual income from it.
  • TV show

    TV show
    In 1983 he also started a TV show called Computer Chronicals
  • First computer encyclopedia

    First computer encyclopedia
    He released the first computer encyclopedia
  • GEM

    Later on he created a Graphical Environment manager (GEM) desktop. Novell paid them in 1991 which meant millions to Kildall.
  • Death

    On July 8th 1994 , he fell at Monterey, CA biker bar and hit his head. Before all this he was seen as an alcoholic in his later years.
  • Rewards

    In 1995 he was honored by the Software Publishers Association.