Map 13 colonies

13 Colonies Timeline Project

  • Virginia is founded.

    Virginia is founded.
    Virginia, the first Colony is founded.
  • Period: to

    13 Colonies Timespan

    Start of my 13 Colonies timespan is May 14, 1607 until July 4, 1776.
  • Pilgrims landed at Pilgrim Rock

    Pilgrims landed at Pilgrim Rock
    The Mayflower Pilgirms landed at Plymouth Rock in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
  • First town government is created.

    First town government is created.
    The first town government in the colonies is organized in Dorchester, Massachusetts.
  • Carolina was founded.

    Carolina was founded.
    Eight men received charters for the Carolinas in 1663 from King Charles II. The are South of Virginia was called the Carolinas.
  • New Jersey was settled.

    New Jersey was settled.
    New Jersey was settled in 1664 with an East Jersey and West Jersey. Two parts of the colony aren't united into a Royal Colony until 1702.
  • King James II creates New England.

    King James II creates New England.
    In 1686 King James II combined the colonies of Connecticut, Massachusetts, Plymouth, Rhode Island, New York, New Hampshire, East Jersey and West Jersey into a single colony: The Dominion of New England.
  • New York is founded.

    New York is founded.
    The Duke of York gained New Netherlands and New Sweden which had been founded by Peter Minuit. He renamed the whole region New York.
  • George Washington is born.

    George Washington is born.
    George Washington is born on February 22, 1732, in Virginia. He would go on to be our First President.
  • Start of the American Revolution.

    Start of the American Revolution.
    On April 19, 1775, war broke out between the colonies and Great Britain.
  • Signing the Declaration of Independence.

    Signing the Declaration of Independence.
    Declaration of Independence is signed on July 4, 1776, by the congressional representatives of the 13 colonies.